cleveland67 Member


  • I've done that intermittent fasting. I saw instant results. That will shread you up nicely.
  • Ill try the flip schedule and see how it gos
  • Trufels24 im in the same boat with the busy block time. Sometimes it's super busy the other times i can get a 15 min snack break in.
  • In my line of work i could easily do that but instead of eating i drink water to curve my appetite.
  • I guess we're all in the same boat. I too am on nights & trying to figure out my meal times to fit my macros in. The only thing i have down is my workout time which is in the mornings after i get off work.
  • I'm with both of you. Im new on here only because i needed to start to start counting My macros so I could lose the weight i gained from being laid up do to my achillies rupturing a lil over a year ago...i was focused before my injury now im focused even more so to dropped the 30 extra lbs that i put on...#on a mission
  • Both...but remember when you lift you're tightening, toning & building muscle. That being said some people may not see the number on the scale change because muscle weights more than fat. You also have to make sure your diet is working with your goal not against it. In other words crap in mean crappie results. Good stuff…