Cardio? Weights? Both?



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Do them both right from the start. Works better to give you a nice looking body.
  • It depends ... on what works for you & how your body works

    For me, I tried both in the beginning & it did nothing for me.

    So then I did straight cardio until I reached goal and only then did I start to incorporate weight bearing exercises.

    My body just didn't seem to respond to weights when I was trying to loose weight.

    Everyone is different and as you get further along into your weight loss journey you will find out that in many cases there's no one blanket answer for all.

    It's a lot of trial & error.

    Best of luck to you!

  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Do both. Cardio is great for your heart. You need a healthy heart. Resistance training is great for building muscle. A combination will give you the body that you want (along with a calorie deficit).

    If you don't want to lift heavy then look into a bodyweight training program. But definitely do both.
  • enm2122
    enm2122 Posts: 14 Member
    MlleKelly wrote: »
    Definitely both, but also combine with keeping on as much of a healthy diet as you can. Lots of lean protein, fresh fruits and veg, and very limited processed/refined carbs and sugars. Your abs are 80% made in the kitchen!

    I've discovered the best combination is...well, combination. If you want to tone up fast and drop pounds, try combo moves that work more than one muscle group and incorporate cardio blasts. Here are a few of my favorite programs for just that!

    1. Fitness Magazine: This is kind of an older link, but I LOVE this program. It definitely makes your muscles sore and works the whole body, including abs!

    2. SHAPE Magazine: 5 workouts (mostly cardio) to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes or less. I've linked directly to the last one, which is my favorite since it incorporates full body strengthening moves like squats and push ups.

    3. SHAPE: Plyometrics are the bomb.

    4. SHAPE: This 6-week program is FANTASTIC. It includes links to all of the different workouts. If you're not into the 6-week program or switching it all up, my absolute favorite workout is the Chisel & Burn (first link).

    Good luck!

    Great links! Thank you so much!
  • enm2122
    enm2122 Posts: 14 Member
    It depends ... on what works for you & how your body works

    For me, I tried both in the beginning & it did nothing for me.

    So then I did straight cardio until I reached goal and only then did I start to incorporate weight bearing exercises.

    My body just didn't seem to respond to weights when I was trying to loose weight.

    Everyone is different and as you get further along into your weight loss journey you will find out that in many cases there's no one blanket answer for all.

    It's a lot of trial & error.

    Best of luck to you!


    When I joined a gym a year ago, I started both but wasn't seeing the results I wanted. Then i got frustrated and reverted back to my old ways and quit doing as much. I am thinking about focusing on cardio and calisthenics until I get some weight off, then when i get down to where I want to be, work on toning up and refocusing on lifting. I wanted to see if any other had this experience as well. Thank you for reassuring me that there are others that have the same struggle as me!
  • cleveland67
    cleveland67 Posts: 7 Member
    Both...but remember when you lift you're tightening, toning & building muscle. That being said some people may not see the number on the scale change because muscle weights more than fat. You also have to make sure your diet is working with your goal not against it. In other words crap in mean crappie results. Good stuff in means good results.