
Hello....excited about starting my new health food journey.


  • jmlutz08
    jmlutz08 Posts: 6 Member
    This is an exciting long journey! It is going to be challenging...but you can do it. You need to own it. You will fail and make mistakes but do not let it break you. You pick yourself up and refocus.

    Remember slow progress is progress.
    Celebrate your achievements...

    This is going to be the best thing you are going to do for yourself! You will look and feel younger, sleep better, better health, and increase your confidence. It will be the hardest challenge you will ever face. Just don't give up and dont make excuses. You can do this!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!!!
  • Thank you jmlutz08 for your encouraging words. I started today and Im going to take your encouraging words and place them in my path as my guide!
  • Hi write4mysoul, I too am new to this. After a year of over indulgence I have realised that I need to get back into shape, it's so easy to put the weight on & get unfit so I am with you on this!! Im from the UK, where are you?
  • Hi gabsc1980 Im from the USA. Yes it is very easy to put the weight on...(grrrrr). Well its going to take some time nothing is done over night!! I did not want to be the size I was iith n high school, just close to it....lol
  • cleveland67
    cleveland67 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with both of you. Im new on here only because i needed to start to start counting My macros so I could lose the weight i gained from being laid up do to my achillies rupturing a lil over a year ago...i was focused before my injury now im focused even more so to dropped the 30 extra lbs that i put on...#on a mission
  • Cleveland67 hi, its go easy to add the weight on, though its hard getting rid of it... (grrrrr) What I am learning over the this short time of my excitement....is to become excited over everything in life, and success will follow. Today i stayed home from work n I am going to exercise.