Hey I'm in the same boat. Lost two stone last year and put it all back on again. My goal is to lose about four stone by walking a mile on the treadmill initially then uping it to two three etc to whatever I can do at a time. Also going to cut my calories down and eat more fruit and veg with each meal Feel free to add me if…
Count me in too, need some motivational friends to help me shift 4 stone so about 56 pounds x
Think I’ve managed to add you all now. If not please send a request. Hope you all have a good week. X
Hi I’m also an Amy living in the north of the country now but was south east too (Canterbury then Reading). I’ve just restarted as I need to lose a few stone ideally. Feel free to add me as I need a kick up the butt sometimes too x
Hi i'm back once again as like the original post, i also fell ill last year. Almost 30 now and need to shift about 30-40pounds too.