ClaudiaM2015 Member


  • Very well done! You look like a completely different person!! Your journey however, is not over! Now your challange is to keep it off! You have achieved something amazing! Believe in this and in your new found strenght! I suffered from depression too (my weight was only one of the reasons.) and I know that in those dark…
  • Well done! You do look much better but more importantly you look much happier! There is still a long way to go but take your strength and motivation in the future from your past success! Be consistent and patient and you will see that you'll be reaching your goal in no time at all!. Good luck!
  • Can someone please tell me how I can add friends? Thanks
  • Hi Ellie, Add me and you will have access to my diary. I'm pretty much a newbie on MVP but no stranger to diets and yo-yo weight! I hope this time will be different :)
  • My respects to you sir! Very well done! Very inspirational! What tips do you have for a busy mum and career woman that needs to lose 4st by the end of year? Thanks! Claudia
  • Very well done! You deserve it! You worked really hard!
  • don't want to be negative here but 6st in 9 months is a lot! The risk of losing so much weight quickly is that you may put it all back as quickly as you lost it. Trust me... done that myself before... many times! My advice to you: -set smaller goals for shorter periods of time! -Fruit, veg and seeds should be part of your…
  • Hi there! I'm a mum to a 4yrs old daughter. Today I started my journey of losing 4 stone in 12 months. I've lost weight before (always putting it back on eventually) but I want this to be the last time! Wish me luck! Claudia xx
  • Hi Summer! Well see it from this angle: you have downloaded this up, you are in the right place which means you have already made the steps in the right direction! You message sounds like me!! I have lost weight over the years many times but it seems that overall the trend was to always put back on more than I lost. The…
  • Hi there! I'm from London, UK ;) And this hopefully should be my last time I will have to lose ridiculous amounts of weight!