lismany Member


  • Same goal to lose! You can do it!
  • About 33-40 lbs. My goal was to loose 25lbs last year, but between then and now I hardly tried + I quit cigarettes and added a substantial amount of weight. For my height I should weigh 125ish, I am tipping closer to 160 (158 on good days) I do two sessions of 30-40 minute cardio at home per day (21 day fix dvd's to be…
  • Make sure he is your motivation and not your reason.
  • the training program is at a a gym called wow. so i dont think id always be guaranteed the same trainer unless i find someone and luck out to book them each time does this mean it is less beneficial to have a group of personal trainers? i was at the gym on my own today and watched them, looks to me like they directed…
  • Wow thank you everyone for such helpful information! I think I am going to try and replace my fruit snacks (not the gummy kind) with veggies. I was never really a fan of veggies unless they are on a plate accompanied with other flavors and things. Anyone eat veggie snacks regularly and recommend anything? I could so celery…
  • incredibly helpful, i am going to try your water and wait 15-20 minute tactic. according to my brain, i am always always always always hungry. thanks for your suggestions.
  • Try apples with a tiny bit of peanut butter on it! Apples are great, contain a lot of water within them, and the peanut butter seems to trick my brain into it being 'candy' or at least the saltiness adds a little fun to my apple. If you aren't opposed to chunky peanut butter the texture on an apple can taste like a…