I do!! I'm 23 and live in North GA. I have lost 50lbs since Aug 2021. Looking for new friends who like exploring, caving, hiking, etc
Driving through the mountains in NC. This was from yesterday at Dry Falls in the Nantahala National Forest.
45lbs down!! I'm going hiking & caving tomorrow and can't wait.
Hello 👋 I'm 23 and started losing weight Aug 2021. SW: 266lbs CW: 220lbs GW: 180 (possibly 160 but we'll see) I just wore SHORTS to a work event at a baseball game on Sat! I would have never dreamed of that last year. Had surgery last month and am still getting back to 100%. I love going caving, hiking, urban exploring so…
I'm 5'8" and 23F. Looking for some new friends! SW: 266lbs CW: 220lbs GW: 180lbs - possibly 160lbs but we'll see :)
The Empire Strikes Back
Just finished Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express.
TIL I can sleep from 7pm-9am and still be tired!
Not until now lol
Naturally pretty
Symmetrical and pretty face!
Curly hair
false TNP wants a nap right now.
Please! I need some support.
I would accept :)
False TNP is on their phone replying to this.
I know it's petty, but I am not going to follow in the footsteps of my family. I want to die when God says it's my time, not from Type 2, heart attacks, and/or strokes. I'm also not going to have the thin side subtlety pass me diet articles, recipes, and give me their fat clothes because I'm "the only person they knew who…
I'm lactose intolerant to the point I break out across my face and get severe stomach pain if I have dairy. I still drink a milkshake whenever offered... :neutral:
Introvert through and through
Caffeine withdrawal possibly? And of course you knew you'd be asked this question, are you drinking enough water? :D
Hickory! Nutella or Peanut butter?
Out of place.
The Silver Cupcake
Listening to Queen
@abigailb7 eyebrows looking fantastic!
@dwbalboa smile
mm.. no