Nony_Mouse Member


  • 6 Jan: I hit the wall with a thud this afternoon, so this one isn't flash (bad night's sleep mostly to blame, I think/hope) * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes, a little over 500 * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (34) and yes (118). * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days…
  • Happy birthday, @baconslave :)
  • 5 Jan: * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes, around 800 * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (43) and yes (118). * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 6741 * Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - 30 min evening walk * 30 Days of…
  • Yes, those are the sorts of numbers keto calculators spit out, and that zealots will tell you are necessary. They're not. Without knowing your goal/ideal weight (or lean body mass if you know it), I can't say for certain, but your protein seems way too low, IMHO, unless you don't mind sacrificing some muscle mass along…
  • Best tips: 1) keep your electrolytes up, WAY up. Salt is your friend (you dump sodium like crazy, so you need to be replacing it, along with ensuring good intake of potassium, magnesium, and calcium). 2) don't get sucked into the myriad myths around keto. This recent review of Gary Taubes' new keto book highlights some of…
  • Come join us in the Low Carb group :) We're a friendly bunch. Some people are having an issue with joining groups atm, so if you don't see a join button, follow the instructions to get an invite:
  • 4 Jan: * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes, around 800* * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (38) and yes (116). * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 7904 * Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - yup, a 39 min and a 17 min after…
  • @sarah7591 - this chart shows what is generally considered healthy range: @MaltedTea - maintaining (for two weeks), not gaining! I have a sizeable chunk of lard still to lose :\
  • I have a diet break scheduled to start late January, which will mean a substantial increase in carbs to drive leptin back up. I am very curious to see what happens with glucose levels!
  • 3 Jan: * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (49) and yes (115). * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 10,228 (who is this energetic person??) * Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - yup, 50…
  • 2 Jan: * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes, I think will end up being around 950 by Fitbit * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (43) and yes (117). * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 7716 (plus whatever bedtime ritual gives,…
  • This is what my data looked like btw, for the curious (you only have to do waking glucose and after meal for the first few days, after that it's just before meal):
  • What are the actual grams you put in for each thing? Also, if you are currently overweight, 1g protein per lb of body weight is too high. It's meant to be 1g per lb of LBM, or 0.8g per lb of goal/ideal weight (eg, pick a number in the middle of healthy BMI range for your height). You've essentially overwritten the 2lb per…
  • It wouldn't be MFP if something wasn't broken...
  • Check in for yesterday (1 Jan): * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - 1033 according to Fitbit :o * Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (39) and yes (114). It was a close thing on protein, I forgot to have my first shake with brunch, and wasn't sure I would want it later, but had it before bed * 5000 steps a day min…
  • Since there were some people interested in this: I downloaded the free baselining spreadsheet for the Data Driven Fasting posted about on p1 and have been doing that this past week. For the baselining phase you're meant to just check your blood glucose when you get up (ie fasted), then before each time you eat, and one to…
  • I'm not in the US, so can't recommend protein powder, sorry. I used to use Clean Lean Protein, which i believe is available there, and liked it fine. Just switched to a cheaper NZ made one recently. You could try googling 'protein powder sample'? I think that's how I've found places that did sample packs before. Are you in…
  • Okay: * Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 * 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) * Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell * 30 Days of Yoga, committing to doing this. It's far too long since I got my mat out and I miss it. * Start riding my bike…
  • Superb day to end the year on. Food was super on point - nutrient dense, low cal (and carb), and super filling. Over 11,000 steps, with two shorter walks and then a longer one this evening because I was so stuffed after dinner :lol: AND, after thinking it wasn't going to happen, again, due to water weight, again, made my…
  • No worries :). Feel free to flick me a friend request if you think it would be helpful, though I'll warn you I tend to be very same same on food, just eat the same few things on a short rotation :lol: Something I may work on in the new year.
  • This is my pre-logged food for today, as an example (in kilojoules, that's just shy of 1200 cals at this stage)
  • Me!! I kind of naturally gravitated to low carb (around 100g total) when I first joined MFP 6 (!!) years ago, so I think I naturally find it very easy to cut carbs, which helps. Recently (mid Oct), my 'usual' wasn't working and I was having massive hunger issues, so I dropped further and now am generally around 40-45g net…
  • Agreeing with what Psu said, keep it simple, focus on protein, position fats and carbs where you feel they work best for you (so satiety, enjoyment of meals, etc). Unfortunately, we can't choose when and where fat will come off. But if you stick with the deficit, it will come off eventually :)
  • Lovely food day, half hour walk, and got my 12 hours of hourly steps on Fitbit. Felt MUCH better today thanks to decent sleep and also doubling down on electrolytes (been slacking, and I think switching up food, which took a chunk of sodium and potassium out of my diet, dropped me to a point where I need to pay better…