Jumpstart January 2021

baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
Here we are. Another year gone. Adios 2020! Honey, ain't gonna miss you! (Sorry, not sorry.)
But a new year is starting, a fresh start, and in keeping with the tradition of a New Year Resolution, we have a challenge for you aiming at helping you KEEP those resolutions this year.
It's the perfect time to Jumpstart your health!

I do go on and on about one B-word. The Basics. Why? Because they're important. It may not be sexy, or catchy, but take it from a person who lost the weight and has kept the majority of it off (Hey! I'm human. It's probably vanity weight, but it offends me with it's existence, alright? :lol: .) Keeping the low-carb basics locked-in is where it's at if you are wanting to actually succeed long-term. Minding the Basics will continue to serve you all the way to your goal weight and will keep you in maintenance.

So what are these Basics?
  • Planning ahead!!!
  • Staying under carbs
  • Staying under calories
  • Logging and measuring
  • Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
  • Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
  • Getting enough water
  • Planning ahead!!! Oh, wait. I said that already? Yes, I frickin' did. Because you must! "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

Last month we focused on the basics in an effort to avoid gaining during a hectic time of year. There were lots of treats around. But many of us managed to hit our goals and not gain. Some of us even lost a few pounds, or gained insight into our own patterns when faced with pressure.

Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

I really can't parrot that cliché formula enough. Because it's true.

Let us know your resolutions, or even just a way you'd like to challenge yourself this month if you aren't much into resolutions. Any low-carb plan is welcome. Just post your monthly goals and/or beginning weight, or if you are just planning to maintain through the month, or have NSVs to achieve, check-in daily or weekly with how well you did.

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. Anything is fair game as long as it's in pursuit of your health or fitness. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

We've got an issue going on with the Join functionality, so we may not get an influx of new members until later. What? It's after the 1st and you're new to the challenge? That's great! New challengers are welcome ANYTIME during the challenge month!

Before you start, think about your goals. For measurable resolutions, we recommend getting a baseline.

Here are some ideas (abridged from @FIT_Goat in this post For Those with New Year Resolutions):
  • Get an average of your most recent weigh-ins for a good idea of your starting weight.
  • Record your food, even if you're estimating. Sure, it will be a little higher in calories/junk due to the holiday season but it will still be better than having nothing.
  • Take body measurements and pictures. To make sure they are accurate, take several sets of measurements and average them. Or watch this video on how to measure yourself so that you are actually measuring the same spots every time. You never need to show/share these with anyone, but you might be surprised how willing you will be to share them when you have success.
  • Make an exercise log and try for your current personal bests (even if they're nothing to be proud of). Again, a starting number is better than nothing. It will show you how much you have achieved.
  • If you're also doing something else (like quitting smoking), the same idea applies. Take a starting measurement, like how many cigs or packs per day. You'll often be shocked at how much growth you make.
Remember changes are often slow and hard to see in the mirror. The scale is lazy and doesn't always readily reflect genuine progress. Measurements and pics will help you really see what's going on behind the scenes. And speaking of invisible progress, how you feel (improved health and/or energy) are great markers that your change is working.

Sooooo...go ahead and introduce yourself and/or post your goals when you are ready. Challenge starts on the 1st.

Here's a sample format for how you can report on various goals if you'd like:
Monday 1/1:

Water: Yep. :flowerforyou:
Electrolytes Good: :flowerforyou:
Logged Food: :flowerforyou:
Exercise as Planned: Strength training :flowerforyou:
At or Under Carb Level: :flowerforyou:
At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! :flowerforyou:
Planned Day Ahead: Yes! :flowerforyou:

This is a fresh new year.
Own it.

We'll be here to cheer you on.

Happy New Year and make that resolution stick.


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    • Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750
    • 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given)
    • Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell
    • 30 Days of Yoga, committing to doing this. It's far too long since I got my mat out and I miss it.
    • Start riding my bike again - I'd like to be able to bike to work (it's only a 12-15 min ride, but actually beyond me energy-wise atm, so I need to build up)
    • Soft weight loss goal of 2kg - I'll be doing diet break starting late in the month, so will have some gain from refilling glycogen stores
    • Diet break!!! Two weeks of summer fruit.

    That'll do.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Rozzington Bear's Basics in order of priority - Here is what I will be monitoring and logging in here and with emojis to spare, hahah!
    Not at all a resolutions kinda gal but I have enjoyed seeing people's formats for logging in here, so this is my set of stats for the Monthly thread.

    When I first joined MFP it was to lose weight but now the sole focus is managing my blood sugars, blood pressure and drinking more water.

    HbA1c (mmol/mol): Highest 111 (2017) 118 (2019) Lowest 45 (2017) CURRENT: 48 (2020)
    MONTH Starting Weight, Ending Weight

    1) Swipey the Libre Sensor - FBG (mmol/L) & Direction ➡️ ⬅️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ↗️ ↘️ ↙️ ↖️
    2) Carb Goal < 100g 🟢 <150g 🟠
    3) Calories Goal < 🟢 🔴 > Goal
    4) Workout or planned/injury rest day ✅ ❌
    5) Water - Aiming for at least 2 27oz Bottles a day 💧💧 and any odd amounts 💦

    I think this makes it manageable and fits my goals.
    I will be logging my food, my meds, my blood pressure in my food diary as I have found it useful in conjunction with the Libre sensor data to take to the docs/pharmacist so we can look at triggers, spikes and it all helps to look at the big picture.

    Apologies in advance but dates, measurements etc will all be in Brit-speak/units.

    See you next year (tee tee!)

  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 821 Member
    I am normally a low carber anyway. But since it looks at though the gym is going to be shut for all of January (if not till the spring) I need my diet to be even more on point to account for the massive calorie burn I was managing in the gym :(

    January goals:
    * have a plan for the week, for my meals and snacks
    * I've now brought a scale so use the scale to pre-plan and account for my calories
    * aiming to lose 5kgs by march 16th.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    The other thing I meant to say in my blurb was that I am going to redo my meals and recipes with T2D equivalents and newer logging. It is an unholy mess so that will keep me amused for a while!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I'm starting on 1/2 (Christmas lights viewing plus pizza night planned with my sister on 1/1), but here are my goals:

    Log every day and keep to my calorie goal.
    Close all three rings on Apple Watch and hit 12K steps.
    Read every day.
    Complete planned weekly workout schedule.
    At least 90 g protein and no more than 50 g net carbs.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My goals for January:

    15k steps per day ❌✅ I have a goal to walk 2500 miles in 2021, so that works out to about 209 miles per month. So my step goal is 15k per day.
    Carbs below 40g/day? ❌✅ I'm lowering my daily carb goal to try to help with weight loss.
    Gluten Free? ❌✅
    60+ mins exercise 6 days per week ❌✅
    Under calorie goal? ❌✅
    c25k program 3x/week ❌✅

    I want to lose 5 pounds in January.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Thanks once again for this thread!
    Back to basics!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’ll stick to the basics this month too. That means close those watch rings and focus on the calories and carbs entering my mouth. The latter is where I’ve gotten lazy. Logging and planning will be priorities to lose about a pound a week. Overall goal will be to shed 10-15 pounds total depending on what the scale says Monday. I’ll be entering a stressful period at work in the coming weeks so I want to ensure I’m not eating those feelings!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    I went AWOL during December... lots of family stuff going on and the holidays... so back in the saddle and back to the basics.

    Exercise - full body workouts, elliptical or bike (as possible) 5 days a week
    Calories - keep it below 1600 per day until the weight goal is reached (weigh/measure
    everything that I eat)
    Carbs - keep below 75 grams per day
    Protein - at least 100 grams per day
    Fats - fill in to hunger
    Weight - hate to make goals in this area, but at least weigh less at the end of the month than I
    currently weigh
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Welcome guys!
    Happy New Year!!!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Yay, 2021!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    I bought a 2020: Bah Humbug ornament (also did the virtual 2020: Grinch of a Year run), and I wonder if someone unpacking the ornament in, say, 2040, will make sense of it at all.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    edited January 2021
    HbA1c (mmol/mol): Highest 111 (2017) 118 (2019) Lowest 45 (2017) CURRENT: 48 (2020)

    January 2021 10st 5lb, Ending Weight

    1) Swipey the Libre Sensor - FBG (mmol/L) 5.7 ➡️
    2) Carb Goal <150g 🟠
    3) Calories Goal < 🟢
    4) Workout or planned/injury rest day ✅ (Spin Bike C25K W3 Full)
    5) Water - 💧 (27oz) 💦 (17oz)
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    Jan goals-
    #1 Logging both food and activity every single day so I can achieve...
    #2 500 cal daily deficit
    #3 keep total carbs 50 or under
    Jan SW 176
    Jan GW 169

    That's a big loss for me but I believe need to aim higher to be successful.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Check in for yesterday (1 Jan):
    1. Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - 1033 according to Fitbit :o
    2. Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (39) and yes (114). It was a close thing on protein, I forgot to have my first shake with brunch, and wasn't sure I would want it later, but had it before bed
    3. 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 9759 :D
    4. Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - yup, 50 mins
    5. 30 Days of Yoga - I'll watch the intro vid today, which has breathing exercises, then first practice tomorrow (it appears around 8pm my time, which is wind down time)
    6. Start riding my bike again - didn't do this, and unlikely today due to rain
    7. Soft weight loss goal of 2kg - I'll be doing diet break starting late in the month, so will have some gain from refilling glycogen stores
    8. Diet break!!! Two weeks of summer fruit. - start Jan 24

    I chanced on some watercress seedlings the other day, so made a water garden for those yesterday. Still needs a bit of work to raise the pots up (bricks will do fine), so their rims are slightly above the rim of the container they're in. This makes for easy water changing - just stick the hose in and turn it on for a bit.
  • Luannelizabeth
    Luannelizabeth Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2021
    My goals for January:

    1. Log all my meals.
    2. 100ish gms protein, 100 gms carbs (to start, then decreasing), 58 gms fat.
    3. Drink 8 glasses water per day
    3. Log my exercise
    3. 30+ minute walk 6 days per week
    4. Bicycle ride when weather permits
    5. Light weights workout 3 times per week
    6. Yoga 2 times per week
    7. Weigh myself every day
    8. Measurement once per month
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    🎉New Year 2021🎉
    Basics Challenge

    Thanks for the challenge. I’ve been AWOL for about a year from this community. I originally lost about 60 pounds and have played around with gaining and losing 10-20 of those in the past year.
    I’m happy to re-up my engagement and want this for my health!

    Day #1

    🌟< Carb Goal
    🌟< Calorie Goal (without exercise calories)
    🌟Hit Minimum Steps (10 G)
    ✖️7-8 Hours of Sleep
    🌟No Food After Supper

    I will weigh again on 2/1 and aim to be down 5-7 pounds by then.

    🔥👍🏼Happy New Year, folks!🔥🎉