Jumpstart January 2021



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member

    2 Jan:
    1. Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes, I think will end up being around 950 by Fitbit
    2. Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (43) and yes (117).
    3. 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 7716 (plus whatever bedtime ritual gives, which won't be much)
    4. Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - yup, though bitsy doing errands.
    5. 30 Days of Yoga - Fail, haven't watched intro vid yet...
    6. Start riding my bike again - got Agnes out and dusted off the cobwebs (actually, I just told the spiders to hold on tight) and pottered around for about 25 mins. So leisurely Fitbit didn't even pick up on it as exercise (though I did get my heart rate up).
    7. Soft weight loss goal of 2kg - I'll be doing diet break starting late in the month, so will have some gain from refilling glycogen stores
    8. Diet break!!! Two weeks of summer fruit. - start Jan 24

    Fixed watercress garden, though I think I will modify it some more (it's close enough to the bathroom drain that I may as well move it along and set it so it drains in that direction so at least some of the water goes down there when I do refreshes. Also picked up some other seedling bundles when I was out - fancy red lettuce and beetroot, plus I have basil that I got at the same time as the water cress. My mesclun seedlings that I planted for the fist lot are very heavy on mustard greens and other quite spicy/pungent stuff (I really have no idea what any of it is, TBH), so I wanted some more mild things to balance those out. Not yet planted because it hosed down this evening, so I didn't get the planters set up. Also I think I need more soil (I can get one done, but also need to sow more mesclun seeds and radishes). The beets are primarily for the greens, but I'll probably let the roots get to baby beet size for eating.


  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi, Iam new to the group. Started back on track the day after Christmas. First weigh in today, down 8.6 lbs. I have around 130 lbs to lose. Just retired this year and really want to lose this fat and get fit once and for all. Would appreciate some committed low carb friends to help encourage each other on this journey. My goals for January are:
    Starting weight: 294.2
    Current weight: 285.6
    Goal weight: 150 lbs
    Current loss: 8.6 lbs
    Carbs: 30< for right now
    Calories: 1200 calories
    Drink lots of water, and start moving
    God Bless and praying all of us to find our own why and doing the work to get it done this year.
    Sherri πŸ™‚

  • Luannelizabeth
    Luannelizabeth Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, Iam new to the group. Started back on track the day after Christmas. First weigh in today, down 8.6 lbs. I have around 130 lbs to lose. Just retired this year and really want to lose this fat and get fit once and for all. Would appreciate some committed low carb friends to help encourage each other on this journey. My goals for January are:
    Starting weight: 294.2
    Current weight: 285.6
    Goal weight: 150 lbs
    Current loss: 8.6 lbs
    Carbs: 30< for right now
    Calories: 1200 calories
    Drink lots of water, and start moving
    God Bless and praying all of us to find our own why and doing the work to get it done this year.
    Sherri πŸ™‚

    Hi Sherri,

    You and I seem to be around the same age. I'm 66, but still working a writing job. It looks like you're off to a good start! So when you say "start moving," what's that look like?

    I too have been frustrated this year with my weight. I weigh more now than at any point in my life! Not good for my health.

    I look forward to walking this journey with you.

  • Luannelizabeth
    Luannelizabeth Posts: 51 Member
    I am also doing a reset after being Keto off and on (more on than off) for a few years. Starting a 2 1/2 day fast today to fast-track ketosis and cleanse. I have a number of chronic illnesses: Adrenal fatigue, IBS, IC...jus to name a few and they all go into remission or at least are managed by keto. So here I go - I also hope to meet my weight goal in 2021 after having gone round this bush with the weight loss/gain for 10 years. When I was strict keto I was well on my way but 2020 - in all its glory - put all that weight back on that I'd lost (and I'll blame 2020, because it couldn't have possibly been me! Right? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

    I'm afraid 2020 is the reason for many people's weight gain, even those who haven't struggled before. I know I tend to head to the fridge many times a day when working from home. Be kind to yourself! ~ Luanne
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I am in for this challenge. I have been low carb/keto for a couple of years but the last couple of months not so much. Then came Christmas.....So...

    Start weight 155.8 (Jan 1)
    Goal Weight 140

    I have been a runner for years but have been slacking a bit lately. Also do quite a bit of strength workouts and biking. I generally don't have a problem staying active...its the food. So here are my goals...

    Plan plan plan!
    25 Net Carbs (or less)
    1300 Cals
    3-4 of my water jugs a day
    Exercise regular mixing strength and running
    Limit my wine (thats a biggie for me!)
    Track my food and exercise (I am using Carb Manager for that)
    Check in here! I do find reading all your posts helps a lot

    So....let it begin
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    So my calories were okay but based on my activity level I should have had a nice deficit. The little bit of ice cream I had could have trimmed off some of those calories.

    Carbs were under 100 and protein over so a decent day! I haven’t weighed in yet but plan to do so Monday as I start working again and join a friend’s weight loss comp. Maybe I’ll do some measurements as well.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,687 Member
    1/1 food okay.... walked 6.09 miles :) 1/2 food is good ..Heading out for a walk :)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    edited January 2021
    HbA1c (mmol/mol): Highest 111 (Dx 2017) 118 (2019) Lowest 45 (2017) CURRENT: 48 (2020)
    January 2021 10st 5lb, Ending Weight

    1) FBG (mmol/L) 4.7 ➑️
    2) Carb Goal <100g 🟒
    3) Calories Goal < 🟒
    4) Workout or planned/injury rest day ❌
    Resting up twinging knee for couple of days before next planned treadmill run.
    5) Water - πŸ’¦ (22oz) Not a great day water wise. Must do better.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    01/01 (I forgot to post yesterday)
    My goals for January:

    15k steps per day βœ…
    Carbs below 40g/day? βœ…
    Gluten Free? βœ…
    60+ mins exercise 6 days per week βœ… Yesterday I did 20 mins on the mini trampoline and did c25k with extra walking on the treadmill for 45 mins.
    Under calorie goal? βœ…
    c25k program 3x/week βœ…
    SW: 178.5 (01/01/21) I want to lose 5 pounds in January.
    CW: 178.5
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My goals for January:

    15k steps per day βœ…βœ…
    Carbs below 40g/day? βœ…βœ…
    Gluten Free? βœ…βœ…
    60+ mins exercise 6 days per week βœ…βœ… Today I did 60 mins walking on the treadmill.
    Under calorie goal? βœ…βœ…
    c25k program 3x/week βœ…
    SW: 178.5 (01/01/21) I want to lose 5 pounds in January.
    CW: 178.5
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Day # 2

    βœ–οΈ Carb Goal (4 over my net carb goal of 20)
    🌟= Calorie Goal (with exercise calories)
    🌟Hit Minimum Steps
    βœ–οΈ7-8 Hours of Sleep
    🌟No Food After Supper
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    3 Jan:
    1. Log, min 500 deficit, aim for 750 - yes
    2. Net carbs under 50, protein over 100 - yes (49) and yes (115).
    3. 5000 steps a day min (this is bumping from 3000, there may be bad days where I don't make it, but that's a given) - 10,228 (who is this energetic person??)
    4. Min 30 min walk unless I'm too unwell - yup, 50 min evening walk
    5. 30 Days of Yoga - Yes!! My right hip flexors are horrifically tight, so I need to do some extra work on those. Otherwise I'm not too terrible given how long it's been. I think I'll limber up again fairly quickly, though might be a while before I'm pulling off near perfect tree pose like in my profile pic!
    6. Start riding my bike again - not today, no time.
    7. Soft weight loss goal of 2kg - I'll be doing diet break starting late in the month, so will have some gain from refilling glycogen stores
    8. Diet break!!! Two weeks of summer fruit. - start Jan 24

    Also got another container garden set up this evening so I could get the red lettuces I bought yesterday in. They are looking very much worse for wear, and I'm not actually sure they'll make it. Let that be a lesson against buying seedlings when I don't already have bed space for them...I'll get the other container set up tomorrow so I can get basil plants in (though I think I will distribute these throughout all the containers), and sow some seeds. I also have a borage seedling to plant, and some more calendulas, so I'll need to sort out some more bins at work on Tuesday and get holes drilled in them.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    So yesterday started out great, until after supper (which is just the way it usually happens for me). I didn't do terrible....but not as planned.
    Got an HIIT workout in, haven't done one of those in awhile.

    Net carbs - over 25
    Cals - Over but not a lot
    Exercise - yes
    Water - not met
    Checking in here - yep!

    Today will be better. @SenchaJill I do so much better when I don't eat after supper as well, this is my downfall! Good for you for meeting that goal!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    1/1 and 1/2
    Logged food and exercise βœ”βœ”
    Cal deficit 528 and 404 βœ”βœ–
    Total carbs 46 and 35 βœ”βœ”

    More walking planned for today plus we have bowling tonight. Back to work tomorrow after 11 days off.
  • skctilidie
    skctilidie Posts: 1,404 Member
    Chiming in late, but my January goals:

    Log daily
    Calorie deficit daily
    30+ minutes walking daily
    Other workouts 4 days/week
    8+ cups of water daily
    Bedtime before 1 a.m.

    Also have a one time "goal" of getting the home gym equipment moved to the space I just cleared out for it in the basement and setting it up for better utilization than it's getting being squeezed into the corner of my way over-stuffed bedroom/office.

    On 12/17, I set myself a goal of 8 pounds off by 1/31. I'm down 4.4 since then, so should make that goal (and then some) easily.

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calories a bit higher than I’d like but still a small deficit. Gotta work on this one.

    Carbs over 100 and protein under 100g so I need to get those flip flopped. Enjoying the last couple of days of vacation before hitting it hard.
  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    My goals for January:

    15k steps per day βœ…βœ…βœ…
    Carbs below 40g/day? βœ…βœ…βœ…
    Gluten Free? βœ…βœ…βœ…
    60+ mins exercise 6 days per week βœ…βœ…βœ… Today I walked outside in the chilly country air - 180 minutes - 9 miles.
    Under calorie goal? βœ…βœ…βœ…
    c25k program 3x/week βœ…
    SW: 178.5 (01/01/21) I want to lose 5 pounds in January.
    CW: 178.5
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    edited January 2021
    Joining challenge a bit late.

    January goals:
    1. Track everything
    2. 55-70 G protein
    3. Under 50 net carbs
    4. 1200 calories
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids
    6. Lose 6 1/2 pounds

    I’m going to hold off on movement/fitness goals for now and focus on food.

    1. Track everything βœ…
    2. 55-70 G protein βœ… (68 G)
    3. Under 50 net carbs ❌ (52 net)
    4. 1200 calories βœ… (1,069)
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids ❌ (60 oz)
    6. Lose 6 1/2 pounds (2.6 so far)

    1. Track everything βœ…
    2. 55-70 G protein βœ… (exceeded at 80 G)
    3. Under 50 net carbs ❌ (52 net)
    4. 1200 calories ❌ (1,257)
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids βœ… (75.5 oz)
    6. Lose 6 1/2 pounds (3.8 so far)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,687 Member
    1/3 yummy day must work on my carbs (higher than I am suppose to have on strict keto) had a short walk today 2.91miles and organized/moved around furniture 180 minutes :)