rickirenni Member


  • There is a freaking awesome video on YouTube by Yoga with Adrienne, called Deep Core. It's only about 20 minutes, and it not only made my abs more visible, it made so many other exercises I do considerably easier due to the increased core strength. Plus, it's not so hard you feel like you're gonna die while you're doing…
  • Ha, I was at an amusement park riding one if those old fashioned rides ("the swings") that has wicker seats that rise as the ride spins faster. When it was over, I stood up to walk off, and the chair remained firmly on my butt and tried to walk off with me. It was mortifying but hilarious simultaneously.
  • I hear you loud and clear. I worked out at home (thank you YouTube videos!) and lost about 50 lbs before I started working out in public. I've always yo-yo'd with my weight too, binge eating with special events, holidays, vacations, weekends, you name it. I've been working on slowing down and savoring each bite, and it's…
  • I feel the same way about food, and constantly struggle myself. The thing that has made a difference for me is delving into the world of mindful eating. For me, this looks like slowing waaay down and truly tasting/savoring each bite. I've actually discovered that about 50% of the food I used to eat doesn't actually taste…
  • How much is a "large amount?" For a 60 lb loss, I can say yes, basically the same shape.
  • You can certainly see progress. Congratulations!
  • Hi Jacki- It sounds like I'm in a similar boat as you. I was also diagnosed (tenatively) with MS 2 weeks ago, although they took extra blood to send to the Mayo Clinic to rule out the possiblility of NMO instead (which is very similar to MS). However, at this point their best guess is MS, and yes, it has completely changed…