randomlyred Member


  • If you have IBS you can get flares by eating too much of either kind of fibre - I have the same reaction to shirataki noodles. They're pretty much 100% soluble fibre and that messes up my guts.
  • "this year in going to lose weight by eating clean, no more junk like this!" <-- my office mate, as she throws out a box of 100 calorie Special K bars and replaces them with a big box of almonds. Now instead of the 1 Special K bat she has what I'd estimate to be 50 grams of almonds with her morning coffee, plus more…
  • For me it's cauliflower, cabbage and beans and excessive lactose. You only have to exclude the whole list for a couple of weeks and then reintroduce food as challenges to see what's up. There's plenty of books / apps to help too. Not sure why I'm being wooed, this is really standard practice in Australia. Developed by…
  • Look up FODMAPS - you might have a bit of an intolerance to something which is causing the bloating. I never realised I had intolerances until I got lean enough to realise that my belly was getting hard and distended after eating certain foods
  • Wow harsh. Sorry I commented.
  • I'm obviously a worthless stupid idiot who has no idea about anything.
  • I'm a fidgeter by nature, my Nan tried to train me out of it when I was a kid but it didn't really work
  • Don't throw away a weeks progress for half an hour's eating
  • It's so personally dependent too - I'm currently on 2 a days (am cardio, pm weights) 5 days a week. I've done stretches where I go 7 days a week until I need a day off, take a rest day and continue on (one rest day every 2-3 weeks). I've done lifting 6 days a week and all of these have worked for me at the time I was doing…
  • No. Put me in the crowd of to me it's a waste of calories and macros. I'd rather have oats, or eggs, or a yoghurt than a slimy, crunchy, healthy-tasting (not in a good way, in a "I will eat this because it's supposed to be good for me" way) bowl of slop that gets stuck in my teeth.
  • I don't think it's helpful - I had a goal of bulking through the middle of last year but the only time people would send me messaged is when I lost weight. I got annoyed and disheartened trying to bulk when the only support I got was when I 'failed' at my goal and lost weight, like I was doing something bad.
  • I've been logging pretty much since late 2014 - few gaps for vacations and when I've burned out, but I keep coming back. I need to know roughly what I've eaten and what I still should put into my body, just as I need to know how much cash is in my bank account before I go out shopping, or petrol in the tank of the car…
  • I can't wait for this fad of big butts to pass. I don't think a big *kitten* is all that attractive and I'm sick of my Instagram being full of girls hiking their undies up their butt crack and shoving their bum at the camera.
  • Good luck, I started mfp after suffering through that disgusting garbage they call food on lite n easy, this is so much more sustainable and ice learned how to eat. Lite and easy is just eat, don't learn. I did lose weight on it but half of that is I'm sure from throwing out awful half meals and uneaten bruised apples and…
  • Nope, just nope. I "loved" myself overweight, because I was "worth it" to "treat myself" (etc. etc.). One day I woke up and realised that I disgusted myself and needed to change. Self love and accepting myself led to complacency and increasingly larger pants. Realising that I wasn't genetically destined to be big and that…