gongol07 Member


  • Peanut butter :( Even the "little" lick of the knife after I have weighed out a proper portion is probably about 100 calories.
  • Yes! Of course. It's a great way to start your day and makes you feel amazing, so, why wouldn't you want to feel amazing on your birthday?! Mind you, I have to confess to not doing anything on my birthday this year because I was too hungover from the night before!!
  • Add me! I need more!
  • Add me! I am new and need some motivation too. Got a similar amount to lose.
  • Quorn is really tasty, low fat and high protein. Quark is really good too, it is really low fat but stir into a risotto or soup or something is a nice hit of protein.
  • Hi. I have read various ways of doing it. I did it for 30 days, round 1 for 10, round 2 for 10 and then round 3 for 10. I have also done it at a different time where I did round 1 on day one, round 2 on day 2 and round 3 on day 3, then back to round 1. I've never done more than one on any particular day though! And, for…
  • I started doing this beginning of Jan, first week put on 2lbs (!) and then lost nothing for 3 weeks. All of sudden, dropped 4 lbs in the last week. There were so many times I felt like giving up. But, I kept dipping in here and everyone was saying "just keep at it" and "weight loss isn't linear" and they were right! I knew…
  • Yep, just can;t eat it now, it's not enough! Egg white omelette all the way!
  • White wine spritzer (topped up with soda water).
  • Thanks for this! Very useful. So, taste is the main difference, i'm not messing up losing weight by eating white pots rather than sweet. Sweet. Never had sweet potato pie, but am intrigued and would love to try. Can one of you good Americans send me a slice?!
  • Guarantee if that's where you want to lose it from, it'll be the last place the weight goes. I am keen to lose everywhere but my boobs and they tend to be the first to go when I lose weight!
  • Yep, me too. Even if I have accounted for the calories for what I want to drink, a couple of beers and I am reaching for the crisps. Also, peanut butter. I kid myself that I have only had a teaspoon but in actual fact I have dipped in that jar so much, it's probably more like 5 tablespoons. Just can't have it in the house!
  • Ok, so, try each for a week and see how I get on? Whst do you guys do? I am a bit worried that dropping my calories too much will mean I can't exercise properly as I'll be too tired. Clearly, the exercise Is not my problem, it is the food so need to balance the both.
  • Hi, I have the implant coming up to 3 years. I had it out in 6 weeks after baby. I put on 2 stone during that pregnancy and lost it all really easily even with the The implant. Although it took almost a year for a period to happen and since then, my cycle had become increasingly worse, more erratic, heavier...basically…