One steady step at a time makes it he difference. Look for inner support cause as they say the stronger the core the stronger the individual.
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I have my Charge HR set to calorie goal. I try to burn the double the amount of calories I consume a day. Right get now my calorie goal is set to 3600cal a day. What do you have yours set to??
Continue doing as well we all motivate each other to change.
ChargeHR user and fitnesspal abuser. Add me!!!
It could be water weight... Watch your sodium intake also 12-1300cal a day seems low what are your metrics? Also yes the 5 meal a day could be an issue depending on your body type. How are your macros split?
Love my HR makes me push my self to burn my calorie goal. It's lots of fun!!!!! Need buddies to keep motivated ;)
Never heard of that diet???
Intermittent fasting always seems to do it for me.
I never really fallowed a macro split until recently but I got lots of results from intermittent fasting. With my body type the 6meal plan gets me to gain more weight.