Trying to keep going

well I'm 21 on Sunday, I have a 3 year old who is full of energy and I feel like I can't keep up with her because of my weight, so I've been trying every year since I've had her to lose weight but it hasn't happened and my doctor said to try this. I'm here logging so far since I got a new phone that logs every step I make. Awesome! So anyone has any pointers please help me


  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hello and happy birthday! Losing weight is definitely hard. you have make sure that you are burning off more calories than you take in. having a food scale allows you to weigh your food instead of guessing how much we are eating. Running around with your 3 year old will allow you to burn calories as well. I would take my kids for walks in the stroller around the mall in the winter and around the school track when the weather was nice. MFP will over estimate the calories burned from exercise so be careful. Some people eat back some of their exercise calorie others don't it is up to you. Wearing a heart rate monitor is the only real way to calculate calories burned. Good luck to you. This site is great and people really offer some good advice. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can give support and help keep you motivated!!!
  • jennrose680
    Thanks so much for replying and adding me. It is tough since I don't have much support from my family but my daughter always has me on my toes
  • rehz1
    rehz1 Posts: 12 Member
    One steady step at a time makes it he difference. Look for inner support cause as they say the stronger the core the stronger the individual.
  • pgbx
    pgbx Posts: 5
    I have a favorite website that you may like also. It is I use to HATE working out at home but for the past 2 months I actually look forward to it with these people. Try it, you may like it. They're fun realistic attitudes keep me motivated.
  • teripoi
    teripoi Posts: 2 Member
    It helps me to have a backup plan. I make up a big pot of soup/chili and freeze it. Then when I'm tired and don't feel like cooking healthy I have something easy for a meal that won't put me over calories. I also get crazy sweet cravings. I keep frozen bananas and use almond milk to make smoothies. You can do different combos of cocoa powder, pb2, berries or fruit and coconut or maple syrup to sweeten. It's kind of like a milk shake.
  • maryroser9
    maryroser9 Posts: 16 Member
    Happy birthday for Sunday
    Trying to diet and loss weigh is harder than people think hopefully we can support each other tc