MindySaysWhaaat Member


  • I've logged on to my fitness pal for 91 days straight now. I did have a week where I didn't log but that was because I was on vacation. I think out of all 91 days, I've maybe had 5 days where I severely overate. So...I think my commitment is at about a 9. I feel good about this, though.
  • I basically weigh myself whenever I feel like it. Sometimes it's every day, sometimes it's every few days. I don't set a specific weigh-in because I think I'd spend too much time focusing on "one week at a time" and then if I had a bad day, I'd instead consider it a bad "week" and just give up for the remainder of the…
  • It's hard to explain, but my personal mantra is "There are some things you have to do alone." I spent too many years expecting everyone to "help" me get it done. I spent a lot of time angry at my family and friends because I basically expected them to hold my hand and walk me through the whole weight loss thing. I had to…
  • I believe it will still sync yesterday's steps as well. I tend to sync mine through my phone most of the time though since it's connected through bluetooth.
  • I really, REALLY want to know how Penny got past the psychiatric evaluation. You may be right about the drama side of it though, which is really sad.
  • You're overly complicating it. if it's 25 calories for 19g, that's only roughly 1.3 calories per gram. So if it's off by 2g, you're talking a difference of less than 3 calories. I'd just log it as the 25 calories it says on the package.
  • I bought a fitbit one a couple weeks ago. The first weekend I got it I went on a 4.5 mile hike with my fiance, got about 21,000 steps, and it told me about 700 calories were earned from it. From what I've been hearing, it's fairly accurate. Since I'm a bit paranoid and have heard many differing stories about whether or not…
  • It says on healthgrades that he's 70. I like Dr. Now though. The only thing I wish he'd do is make a point to get ALL of the patients into some kind of counseling. I've noticed on the show that most of the time if they get therapy they tend to do better.
  • The first time I lost weight, I went from 253 down to 210. I knew my clothes were getting loose, but I still didn't really "see" the difference. Make a point to take pictures every ten pounds so you can compare, and even if you don't see any differences right away, don't give up because eventually they will come.
  • Yeah, the minute she mentioned having a tight chest alarm bells went off in my head (my father's had 5 heart attacks - he used to smoke like 3 packs a day). It was almost like foreshadowing because then the next scene was the black screen with the message that his grandmother passed away unexpectedly due to heart attack.
  • Chay's episode actually caused a bit of a tiff between me and my fiance. When Chay started saying how he didn't care anymore after his grandmother passed away, my fiance said to me "How stupid is he that he's just going to give up?" and I basically had to say "You have no idea what it's like to need food to cope" which is…
  • I'd like to be able to wear a bathing suit that doesn't have a skirt to cover up my belly and thighs. I'd also like to be able to wear short shorts (not where my butt is hanging out but like, the length that they've been selling in most stores lately) and fitted shirts/tank tops.
  • I used to take the "You're losing weight, good!" compliments too personally, especially if I was having a bad week. Last Christmas, when I was the heaviest weight I've ever been, my aunt complimented me and said I looked like I'd lost weight. I try not to think too much into the comments of other people now.
  • I didn't really look at it as a new year's resolution, but I started on Jan 2nd. I've lost 21.6lb since then.
  • I think coffee isn't bad in general, but overdoing it could be bad. I don't drink it often, but if I'm out with friends and they want to go for it, my suggestions are as follows. Starbucks: I like the skinny cinnamon dulce iced latte or the skinny hazelnut iced latte. To make them a bit sweeter (since they're sugarfree)…
  • My favorite fast food salad when I used to eat them more often was McDonald's Southwest salad. The salad itself is 340 calories, and if you add the creamy southwest dressing it bumps it up to 460 calories.
  • I have 100 pounds to lose, if I look at my overall goal. It can get very overwhelming. It's a lot easier said than done, but what's helped me is to stay positive, not call anything a "bad" food, and focusing on moderation and strengthening my willpower. try not to beat yourself up too much if you have slip ups. Take it one…
  • The first thing is to discern the difference between feeling emotionally hungry and physically hungry. I can honestly say before I started thinking about it seriously, I NEVER felt physically hungry, but at the same time I was almost ALWAYS emotionally hungry. Then I had to learn how to be okay when I was feeling hungry.…
  • I try very hard not to weigh myself during my period for this exact fact.
  • I have been where you are. I know you see yourself as an all or nothing kind of person, but with weight loss you need to learn to find a happy middle ground. I had foods that were restricted, and it only lead to more binging. Try to be optimistic and to tell yourself that there are no such thing as bad foods, and that…
  • A few years ago I was at my sister's apartment and we were watching a show called "Half Ton Mum" about this woman named Renee Williams. It was really sad because she got the surgery, and then passed away 12 days later. Her starting weight was about 880lbs. It was really depressing.
  • You sound like you're doing amazing with making changes to your lifestyle. Kudos on drinking more water - I have yet to do that myself. I suggest investing in a food scale. I noticed a big difference in some of the things I was eating when I checked the measured vs weighed portion sizes.
  • This is a personal preference kind of thing. I only eat two meals a day, at 4pm and 9pm (I keep weird hours, waking up at 930am, and I work 11-730pm) I don't usually have issues where I'm extremely hungry in the morning, but if I do get hungry I'll eat a small snack around 2pm just to tide me over until lunch.
  • This is what I do, too. I have a box of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, and I've been having one a day for a while now.
  • Might not be the most nutritious thing in the world, but my go-to when I absolutely don't feel like cooking is milk and cereal. If I've got a bunch of leftover calories I'll just pour myself a big bowl and go to down :)
  • I like to peel and slice up a potato, and then pan fry it in just a tiny bit of vegetable oil. Then I sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on them and they're yummy.
  • I wish I had better advice for the soda component. I've been drinking diet coke since junior high, so I actually oddly enough like the taste. Some Mcdonald's have coke zero - I don't know if that's something you'd like or not. I'd just get water if they have that option in the meals (I actually haven't been to Mcdonald's…
  • Even if you eat out over the weekend, there are still lower calorie choices that can be made. Make sure you research before you go out. That's what I do, because I still go out on the weekends. Most fast food restaurants have their nutrition charts online, and some of the more chain style restaurants do (like Chili's or…
  • I don't give myself a pass on eating, but I DO give myself a pass on working out. I've never had really bad issues with cravings during my period, but I have always had an issues with cramps, and ain't no way I'm going to work out when I feel like curling up in a ball and dying lol.
  • I've gone to the casino both dressed up and dressed casually. It doesn't matter. I'd aim for "business casual" if you're really concerned. :)