I agree with w0den..I don't know much about being strong but I do love helping people! (: add if you want!
I made my own..kind of thing. I took a clear mug, put one whole banana (chopped) in the bottom, put some low-fat vanilla yogurt (tastes like cake icing in my opinion so that's a double plus) added another banana (chopped) ontop of that and put a thin later of the same yogurt on top, added some raspberry clusters with chia…
P.S Feel free to add me for motivation for your challenge xx
I did her 3 mile walking video on youtube loooads of times I absolutely love her!
Oh my gosh! You look fantastic!! amazing job!! (:
Add me if you want! I use to be the same way. You just need to plan a big-ish meal for when you come home for work. Take a long shower/bath and relax. You could also be very dehydrated! Which can lead to over eating, so Id drink two cups of water, wait 20 minutes and if you're still hungry eat something healthy!(:
Awww thank you!!(:
Hey! Im a major doctor who, sherlock, supernatural, lord of the rings, harry potter, and star wars nerd! I did a little gasps and quiet clap over your daughters name! How flipping adorable!(': congrats on deciding to go on this journey!:D
Welcome!!:D good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
Thank you to everyone for your amazing kind words!(':
Im in!(:
Thank you so much! That means a lot. (:
Amazing progress. The running one made me laugh, only because that's a total "Look at me go" look! Congrats!