RMH___ Member


  • Thanks for the insights! I'm almost 6ft tall and weigh 78kg. I try to exercise 4-5 times a week, so I guess based on your feedback my calcs are about right. Just trying to lose 5kg, so hopefully this gets me across the line. Thanks guys!!
  • [/quote] So far so good. Its only been a couple of days but already I feel so much better. I am much less bloated and enjoying my meals more (instead of shoving food into an already full and bloated stomach). I agree, its not for everyone, I don't know how I am managing to do it, it but I am. I will stick with it for as…
  • Agree with the above comments, but I think that drawing attention to the fact you're on a diet/trying to lose weight is a really positive life change and something to be proud of & celebrated....please don't feel embarrassed for having the strength to try and improve your health and well being. I say you should tell ALL…
  • I think going cold turkey would be difficult, not sure if I would have that will power, but good luck with it, keep us posted on how you go. Last couple of days I tried to overcome the battle of the mind by splitting my main meals into portions so I can keep coming back to it every now and again. I also selected some of my…
  • Thanks all! Very helpfull...particularly like hupsii's quote "if hunger is not the problem, eating is not the answer". Well said!
  • If it was easy, everyone would do it. I find it's more of a mental challenge than a physical one. Just remind yourself that it will get really tough, but it also gets easier...your mind is like a muscle too, the more you practice 'will power' the stronger and easier it gets as you go. You can do it! You'll thank yourself…