Danp Member


  • Lost the first 30-35kg (65-75lbs) with nothing but changing the number of calories I ate. Zero working out or exercising. I didn't even change my diet and continued to eat the same foods I had always eaten. The only change I made was that I tracked and paid attention to how much of that food I was eating and made sure that…
  • TL;DR Due to weight and illness I was about as unfit as it is possible to get. By first dropping some weight and then adopting an approach of 'just being more active more often' I went from being largely couch bound to successfully completing a triathlon. I was extremely overweight over 160kg/350lbs. Whats more I had…
  • Either, or both, nor neither. It all depends on the person and the situation. If overeating or weight gain is a symptom or coping mechanism to deal with trauma or low self esteem then getting your head right and fixing the cause which will have the flow on effect of fixing the symptom. If you're feeling low in confidence…
  • Honestly, I think the only point in having all those other measurements on home scales is purely so companies can justify the crazy high prices they charge.
  • My only tip is to lose weight in a manner and at a rate that doesn't require motivation. Needing motivation, to me, is an indication that what I'm doing isn't right. Motivation is temporary and to succeed at managing weight for the rest of my life I need to find ways that don't require motivation. There are way to many…
    in Help Comment by Danp February 2020
  • I have a strict rule of only eating while I'm awake.
  • There are lots of beginner lifting programs out there. Strong Lifts and Starting Strength just to name two. They all follow the same basic principle of compound (multi-muscle) lifts that get progressively heavier. If you hire a PT mention that to them and they can help you. That said keep in mind that, while lifting will…
  • Not annoying in the slightest. I genuinely just want to see everyone succeed and hopefully avoid the potential pitfalls that so many seem to fall into.
  • I could be way off here so forgive me if I am but based on this a number of your recent posts it seems like you're trying to complicate your way to failure. You're taking what are really simple concepts and getting so bogged down in the largely irrelevant minutiae that you're going to run the risk of overwhelming yourself…
  • People who do physical jobs are working out the same muscles every day. It's fine.
  • Adopting a perfectionist, 'If i can't do it well, I won't bother doing it at all' kind of approach doesn't do anyone any favours. All you're doing is taking a less than ideal situation (can't accurately log one meal) and making it the worst possible situation (won't accurately log anything).
  • Don't neglect rehab on your knee! I had some serious grinding in my knee after recovering from an injury. Turns out that I had been favouring one muscle group in my thigh over another. So the unfavoured group got underutilised and began weaken and atrophy while the favoured group got stronger as it had to compensate. The…
  • Depending on the cause you may not be able to 'fix' your depression with diet an exercise. I mean no amount of diet and exercise is going to fix a chemical imbalance or the like. However, with consultation with your doctor, you might be able to treat and manage your depression this way.
    in Depression Comment by Danp February 2020
  • Very unlikely it would be from muscle gain. Muscle just isn't that easy to put on particularly if you're not using a progressive lifting program. Even then under optimal conditions focused on building muscles you're looking at maybe 1lbs or 2lbs per month. If you've increased the amount or intensity of your exercise…
  • It's important that you evaluate what went wrong last time and make adjustments. Ask yourself some key questions What worked and was easy so you can do it again? What worked but was an effort so you can adjust it and make it easy? What worked but wsa a real struggle so you don't do that again? What just plain didn't work?…
  • Getting the body moving might help with fitness but it's not the answer to weight loss and it certainly won't cause anything to come together. The scale is an excellent tool for tracking progress. Forgetting it only deprives you of an important source of information to guage how you're doing. You can only manage what you…
  • If you're not hungry then don't worry about 30 calories. You don't need to be that precise in meeting your calorie target. IF you are hungry and only have 30 calories left then splash out and eat something even if it puts you a little over your target because you don't need to be that precise in meeting your calorie…
  • I used to call myself an emotional/stress eater. But in my case I realised I was just using that label as an excuse to let myself overeat. It absolved me of responsibility for my actions. "Oh, it's not my fault I ate too much, I'm a stress/emotional eater". It was a huge step forward for me to take full responsibility for…
  • Sugar is sugar. Sucrose, fructose, lactose, it's all sugar. The only difference between 'sugar' and 'added sugar' is whether it's naturally occurring or if it's been added as an ingredient. And what's more sugar isn't an evil villain, it's just very calorie dense. As long as you're sticking to your calorie target mostly…
  • Life is full of inertia. It always takes far more effort to get things moving to to keep things in motion.
    in Why Comment by Danp February 2020
  • You can still do the contest. Just understand that winning a weight loss contest and actually losing weight are two different things. Just don't do anything stupid or dangerous to win.
    in Contest Comment by Danp February 2020
  • I'll fully admit that I'm entirely confused by WLS in circumstances outside of someone who is at immediate risk of death. I can understand in those extreme circumstances that surgery might be required in order to stave off the peril and extend that persons life sufficiently in order to lose the weight "naturally"…
  • I would think that high blood pressure, cholesterol issues and arthritis in the knees would be all the motivation needed to want to lose weight?
  • Even if you do log as you go along I'd still highly recommend that you put the food into your log before it crosses your lips. It's much better to log food and go "Woah! Better not eat that" than it it to log food and go "Whoah! Man I wish I hadn't eaten that".
  • No worries man. I've been there and to be honest the more people I can help to avoid making the mistakes I've made the happier I am! As for a dummies guide. The links provided are a great place to start. Managing weight really is only as complicated and difficult as we decide to make it. Also, how much effort we put into…
    in Help Comment by Danp February 2020
  • Weight loss occurs when you're in a calorie deficit. Sustainable, safe and effective weight loss occurs when you're in a moderate calorie deficit. As far as weight loss is concerned macros don't matter beyond meeting minimums of fat and protein and in regards to feeling 'full' and satisfied as different people find…
    in Help Comment by Danp February 2020
  • Due to my work/social schedule and circumstances I have very little free time to cook and even if I did I hate it and suck at it. I live exclusively on what most people would consider "junk food", take away and frozen dinners. I have lost over 50kg (110lbs) and am currently in the best shape of my life. My doctor has said…
  • 'Sedentary' is linked to a specific location or career. It's a function of how physically active you are (or can be) while going about your day. An office worker who spends their day walking from meeting to meeting and is generally on the go all day might quite active where as another might be tied to their desk all day…
  • "Enforcing" Calories in / Calories out? CICO is a mathematical principle. An energy equation and nothing more. It doesn't need to be 'enforced' any more than gravity or the heliocentric model of our solar system. They're just facts