satansees Member


  • You should try tea eggs. They're soaked in Soy sauce and relatively salty. Your lunch is adorable! Love the flowers
  • I'm not sure about brined, but I buy hard boiled quail eggs (In Waitrose), no one has time to peel those! I turn a few into tea eggs, but mostly just cut them in half and cheer up my salad.
  • I might of bought a monbento too... It didn't make it onto the birthday list. And some super cute leaf baran!
  • @aSearch4Me‌ sort of this But no ham, less cheese, and too much sauce so half of its on the worktop hahahah. I cooked it a bit longer too. Green pesto ones are better imo. Also pastry is pretty calorie heavy, even the 'light' version, just be aware.
  • I wish I could see your bunny better, it's very white. I love shaped eggs! Nothing tremendously exciting today, but I made said pizza wheels! (Not as small as expected, puff pastry puffs, who knew!). Raisins, cucumber, little rice cracker things, mango dip. Haven't done the maths yet, and I didn't use all the ingredients…
  • I'm thinking of those pizza puff wheels. Yum.
  • @mangrothian not sticky at all! Nothing like the cheese. Just soggy.
  • I thought so too :( Shipping it half way across the world is cheaper than leaving it in France? $20 is about £13 (the euro died today, it's probably up to €20 now) The EU store has got a customise option though. I want to get a fancy black/grey/green combo to go with my sauce pots and leaf divider whatsits.
  • That's a deal! Considering they're French, the EU sale is the same number of dollars, which is a bit of a ripoff. I asked for a monbento for my birthday though, so we'll see! This is tomorrow's lunch. The rice was the first fail in months! A disaster from the start there (I burnt it!).
  • You can cram a surprising amount of fruit in if you cut it up first. Even cutting grapes in half makes a lot of space. Those silicone cases are great (especially the square ones). If they're too tall you can easily trim them down. I couldn't find mine, and just opened my lunch to find all my raisins running amok
  • I do! Though lately they've been looking a little sad. I've been more into big sushi (making a few days worth at a time), but it's the same sort of thing. Pretty colours, lots of layers. I've become the kind of person who cuts their cucumbers into flowers.... It is a bit addictive, especially when you get into cute…
  • Carbs can be easy calories, it's easy to add rice or bread to any meal. Nuts are a good snack, like everyone else said already (though I hate them)