biblebabe588 Member


  • I don't remember my beginning weight. I was 171.4 now i am 173. :) I am OK with this. I fit now in to a size 10 pants today! I gain muscle thanks to hasfit. I hided my scale and only am measuring my inches now instead of focusing on the pound. Finally after a month in a half i have a break through of not feeling discourage…
  • August 4 Excersied:yes Calories:yes Tracked:yes I am not loose weight as much as i want i am loosing the inches. So in this aspect dont ger discoyrage if u didnt loose the weight u should of lost but maybe u lost inches instead. I have learn this week because i kept beating my self up. So stay strong and contiune doing the…
  • August 2 Exercise:yes Calories:yes Tracked:yes
  • August 2 Excersied:no Calories:no Tracked:no Normally even on bad days i can pull my self out and eat pretty good but tonight has gone out the window and then some. I am not going to beat myself up. Tomorrow is a new day and friday and back on the boat with excersie.
  • Original starting weight :184 August Starting Weight- 171.4 August goal-165 Ultimate goal- Just get back to being healthy with no high cholesterol.
  • @grebber1 you got this! One day at a time!
  • Username:biblebabe588 Weigh in day:Thursday Beginning weight:172 Weight lost:171.4 I have mixed emotion of my weight lost but i think i should of lost more but i did have a few days were i gained some weight back and trying to loose it again. I have to keep reminding myself this is a journey marathon not a sprint!😀
  • August 1 Excersied:yes Calories:yes Tracted: yes Well I have publicly announced my goals on my Facebook pagw which are reasonable. This month i want to loose 5 to 10 pounds. I have decided to work on small goal which to me are more achievable than large one. Which i happy about. I still been having craving of nuts and…
  • July 31 Excersised:yes Calories:yes Excersise:yes I did it!
  • Thank you all for the encouragement this week. I have officially am back on the game again. i ate a cheese stick last night and it seem that is what my body need. I research when i was craving things what my body was telling me and it said calcium. So i had some cheese, lol. I also barley accomplished 30 min workout but I…
  • @grebber1 u might want to just change ur routine with maybe the exercise or maybe the type of food. My body hit a plateo last week then i tried something else and finally it went back. Except i decided to eat the pancakes ov weekend and gain some of it back. But that might help u get ur system back up and running.
  • Today has been one of my harder days to really stay the course on food. I really want to eat the junk food so bad. I just want to eat pizza, cheese, pancakes.. etc.... anything that is high in calories. My body has retained water the last couple of day do to high weather. I will stick the course today i will be going 30…
  • @LeslckaBod You actually can buy zoodles and Califlower already rice style in the frozen section where the veggies are. Or you can make your own.
  • @AB0215 Thank you i did find it and ready to weight in on Thursday
  • i found it sorry about that!
  • OK, I am totally a dork and i cant remember my beginning weight when i started this competition. how do i find out.
  • Well this week has been good and bad in since of diet. My body is retaining water. Well yesterday i didnt get a chance to work out at all. 😥 I tried to excersie five to six day a week. That ok i am staying positive. I dont believe the scale anymore. One moment it say i lots more than i expect then i gain it all back in one…
  • @julie_broadhead, it honeslty dependeds on my day some day i feel good but am afriad to go longer. Last time i thought i was ready, let just say i was not. I am currently working out at home. We are on a tight budget. I would start going for walk/run but where i live it still almost high 90 at 8 oclock at night. I tried…
  • I have been seeing ppl on here say there are not seeing the results even though they are watching the food u eat. Make sure u drink the proper amount of water. Becaue that could also help u loose those pounds. I increased my water and i have lost more weight. Just a helpful tip.
  • @WishfulThinning18 I have avocado almost daily with some type of meal. If your having a sweet tooth issue try maybe fruit i know it has lot of sugar but might get you over that hump for the sweet tooth. If not dark chocolate.
  • Thank you for that encouragement. I ended up doing yoga yesterday for the first time and was finally able to drop that last pound, for my first goal. so grand total before signing up for this i have lost 14 pounds. So now i am working on the next five. I want to continue doing small goal then big one so i can continue on.…
  • Well I am week three on my adventure and i have stop loosing the weight. I have been doing cardio for the last two weeks and been watching my diet to a T. And it hasn't budged on the scale at all. So hopefully this week i will try strength training to get things moving again. Feeling very frustrated.
  • Hi everyone I am Aimee. I am 29 year old turn 30 at the end of August. I have two beautiful girl one six year old and one year old. Right now, i have been doing my best. I just started working out again after 10 year of doing nothing. I just want to have people i can talk while going on this journey. I have started easy…
  • Username: Biblebabe588 weight in day : Thursday Starting Weight: 172.6