Exercise Question

I have been working out for two weeks at a beginner level cardio workout. I haven't work out in ten year so i am glad that i am doing it. I seem to be at this moment I am able to do the exercises for the most part. I don't want to over do it but should I do it for longer period of time. Should I start throwing in a weight training session for beginner, increase my time or better yet go to a more advance exercise? I have stop at this moment loosing the weight and I have been watching my eating every day? Your advice would be great! Thank you!


  • lleesabb
    lleesabb Posts: 12 Member
    Weight training will help you define and build muscle. More muscle is better than more fat. Start with 3 to 5 pound weights. U tube offers amazing workouts.
  • cynthialperkins
    cynthialperkins Posts: 15 Member
    Definitely weights. Muscles burn calories all the time, including when you're asleep.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    lleesabb wrote: »
    Weight training will help you define and build muscle. More muscle is better than more fat. Start with 3 to 5 pound weights. U tube offers amazing workouts.

    ^^ nope.

    OP, you should add in some weights/restistance training....to help minimise muscle loss while your eating at a deficit.

    the advise is lift heavey for you. you should be just able to do 8-12 reps, if thats easy and you can blast through 12 reps or more then you are not lifting heavey enough so need to add weight.
    you should look in to doing a programe like strong lifts (there are plenty more I just cant remember what they are called) which will help you progress in strength.

    head over to the exercise board you will get LOADS of good advice there
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    You should incorporate both cardio & strength training.

    Cardio for cardiovascular health. Strength training for musculature. Both are important for overall health.

    As far as strength training, body weight exercises are great. First, it's cheap, you already have all the equipment you need (your own body) Second, starting with just your body weight can help reduce the risk of injury compared to adding weights (nothing really eliminates injury risk 100%, I sprained my ankle a few years back tripping over my own feet getting out of bed....yeah), and there are 100's of online tutorials, videos, and program for body weight workouts.

    Just make sure to listen to your body, take rest days, and have fun.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
    I have been working out for two weeks at a beginner level cardio workout. I haven't work out in ten year so i am glad that i am doing it. I seem to be at this moment I am able to do the exercises for the most part. I don't want to over do it but should I do it for longer period of time. Should I start throwing in a weight training session for beginner, increase my time or better yet go to a more advance exercise? I have stop at this moment loosing the weight and I have been watching my eating every day? Your advice would be great! Thank you!

    You could go longer. Do you feel good at the end of your workout? If you are doing a video, are you keeping up with the people in the video? If the answer to these two questions is yes, you could definitely go longer.

    I’m a pretty big fan of strength training. You could work in 2-3 sessions a week along with your cardio. Are you working out at home or at a gym?
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    @julie_broadhead, it honeslty dependeds on my day some day i feel good but am afriad to go longer. Last time i thought i was ready, let just say i was not. I am currently working out at home. We are on a tight budget. I would start going for walk/run but where i live it still almost high 90 at 8 oclock at night. I tried yoga the other day the first time and enjoyed it so i will be doing that at least once a week. And i will try strength training this week.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Keep up with your exercise, both cardio and strength... increase when you can. As for losing weight, you have to make sure you keep in a calorie deficit, whichever exercise you do.
  • LondonSummer2018
    LondonSummer2018 Posts: 20 Member
    edited July 2018
    I’d recommend not over thinking it but just exploring exercise and finding things you enjoy. I love weight training so I stick to it, others love cardio. All exercise is good if balanced with good nutrition and rest to support it.