TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • ShareASmile
    ShareASmile Posts: 195 Member
    cheeso1 wrote: »
    How are we doing girls x

    So far so good! Still frustrated that I'm really watching my calories and trying to at least walk 20 minutes a day, but not seeing much change. Today, though, I lost .7 lbs since my last weigh in which doesn't seem like much, but up to this point, I was continuing to gain even though I was doing everything i was supposed to. Maybe this is the start of something good!
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member

    @LesIckaBod has some great suggestions!

    I’ll add that I, too, have found better ways to manage my ravenous days through trial, error, and observation.

    For me, I noticed that my hungry days often followed days of weightlifting or strength training. Other days appeared random, though.

    I realized that it wasn’t a lack of calories that was causing me to think about my hunger all day. It was a lack of protein and fat in my diet. I now try to never eat a full meal unless I can get close or over 20 grams of protein. This keeps me full and energized for longer periods of time. I switched to fat based snacks (nuts, trail mix, etc.).

    I’m not sure if it’s my eating habits that alleviated my hunger or my body adjusting to weight loss (I imagine a combo of both with more emphasis on the former), but I now only have about two “hungry days” a month. When I was in the first four months of weight loss, I had about two a week. It’s much easier to manage when it is so rare!
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    @biblebabe588 Strength training is awesome, and I’m sure you will beat this plateau soon.

    I generally see a bump in my weight for the days following strength training bc of the water retention from small muscular tears (all normal and good things). This weight bump isn’t “real” since it’s generally just water weight if the diet is right. The weight loss will show on the scale after your body adjusts. Just wanted to share in case you didn’t know—I don’t want you to become discouraged if you see a bump after lifting.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    Confession time: yesterday was not one of my better days.

    Normally I buy those frightfully expensive little pints of ice cream bc I find the visual aspect really helpful. I will eat half the carton or a quarter depending on my calories for the day. Generally I get lighter choices for my pints (less than 150 cal per serving).

    Yesterday I went to the store and chose to buy a bigger container at 120 calories per serving. I could handle that, right? I wanted the cheaper option. I told myself I’d scoop out the right amount with a measuring cup and be good.

    This did not happen. I probably went slightly above maintenance calories for the first time in a good while. I definitely struggle with self-control with desserts. My sweet tooth is fierce and eating a dessert daily is actually one of the things that really works for me—keeps me going with the weight loss. So I’m not going to cut out dessert or anything. But I’m recommitting myself to doing things that work for me. Even if it costs more, I think it is ultimately very worth it.
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member

    I def think it’s a fat issue. As soon as I ate the peanut butter cups, my hunger went away... and it’s not like those two pieces of candy are oh so bulky. I think I need to figure out how to incorporate more of it into my diet. I do have peanut butter daily... but maybe I need to add oil or maybe avocado somewhere in my day
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    eevang wrote: »
    @biblebabe588 Strength training is awesome, and I’m sure you will beat this plateau soon.

    I generally see a bump in my weight for the days following strength training bc of the water retention from small muscular tears (all normal and good things). This weight bump isn’t “real” since it’s generally just water weight if the diet is right. The weight loss will show on the scale after your body adjusts. Just wanted to share in case you didn’t know—I don’t want you to become discouraged if you see a bump after lifting.

    Thank you for that encouragement. I ended up doing yoga yesterday for the first time and was finally able to drop that last pound, for my first goal. so grand total before signing up for this i have lost 14 pounds. So now i am working on the next five. I want to continue doing small goal then big one so i can continue on. I also looked up strength training episode on uptube and i found several. so i will start with those and see what i can do this next week.
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    @WishfulThinning18 I have avocado almost daily with some type of meal. If your having a sweet tooth issue try maybe fruit i know it has lot of sugar but might get you over that hump for the sweet tooth. If not dark chocolate.

  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    So my plan today was to get my new house put together as far as yard work.... I bought a typical sized house/lot in a city.... 2 HOURS just to ONLY mow the backyard. The grass was up to my knees... I should have just hired someone to do it the first time and get it under control. My arms are so sore. And it’s still not great looking... I said screw the trimming/weed whacking along the fence. I’ll save it for next time.

    The front yard, overgrown tree pruning, weeding (both planters and gravel driveway) are going to have to wait for another day. I’m sure I’ll get my workout that day too!
  • sgrebensteib
    sgrebensteib Posts: 17 Member
    Eating today has been pretty good. When I get hungry or think I'm hungry anyways, I have a salad with balsamic dressing.
    Walked 3 miles after work with a sore foot. Not sure what's up with it but it needs to go away. Today while walking was the first time I've felt worn down. My calories are down lately but I'm eating pretty good. I don't feel like I'm starving myself in any way. Just eating better foods. I think it's lack of sleep. Last 2 nights I've stayed up later than usual.
    Grilling some chicken breast now with green beans. Also butternut squash that's mashed like mashed potatoes. Yum. We will see how I feel after dinner. Water intake is great. I try to make sure I drink plenty just to make sure I'm not mistakin thirst for hunger
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    I'm doing good. Need to increase fat intake to accelerate weight loss. I don't feel hungry since i adopted a modified Mediterranean keto-ish eating style. Actually I find it difficult to eat my 1200 calories😜
  • lolakinks
    lolakinks Posts: 388 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi everyone, I'm Ezgi, living in İstanbul/Turkey. I'm an academician and masters student. I'm 28 years old. My height is 164 cm (5'4.5'') and my starting weight for this challenge is 85 kg (187.3 lbs), which I weigh myself on July 27. I will weigh myself on Friday. I try to take 1200 cal and walk 6-7 km per day. And also I want to swim 3 days a week. My goal weight is for this challenge is kinda big, but I'm really motivated for it. I want to be 79 kg (174.1 lbs) by the end of August. I bought a smoothie blender, I'll make healthy and nutritious smoothies every day (probably evenings because it's hard to make dinner because I have no energy in the evenings). I had drunk alcohol and had eaten junk food almost every day until 2 days ago. I'll eat/drink them rarely.

    Good luck everybody!
  • cheeso1
    cheeso1 Posts: 11 Member
    cheeso1 wrote: »
    How are we doing girls x

    So far so good! Still frustrated that I'm really watching my calories and trying to at least walk 20 minutes a day, but not seeing much change. Today, though, I lost .7 lbs since my last weigh in which doesn't seem like much, but up to this point, I was continuing to gain even though I was doing everything i was supposed to. Maybe this is the start of something good!

  • jacieretz
    jacieretz Posts: 7 Member
    This is my toughest 48 hours of the week: when my family is in the house and I want to bake and cook all their favorites! And of course there are always substitutions you can do to recreate those in a healthier way, but it is definitely NOT the same! Since I am just getting started again, I am opting to say no can do! I have to get a solid 60 days of putting in the work to avoid temptations to get myself in 'the groove'. My chocolate craving is intense right now and I managed to get by last night by dipping some fresh strawberries into a Tablespoon of Hershey's syrup and when it was gone, I was done. I still have 4 strawberries left so it'll definitely be on my mind tonight, too! I could definitely do worse and have. Everyone keep up the good work, we can do it. Monday is my weigh in day and I am anxious and excited to see a lower number. WE CAN DO IT
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been seeing ppl on here say there are not seeing the results even though they are watching the food u eat. Make sure u drink the proper amount of water. Becaue that could also help u loose those pounds. I increased my water and i have lost more weight. Just a helpful tip.
  • kiwih32
    kiwih32 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am Marina from New Zealand, I am 210Lbs, 95.3Kg. Over the last year I have had some lifestyle related medical problems, which I am aiming to turn around before they get irreversible. I had high blood pressure & have managed to get that under control by losing 7Kg, 15.5lbs, with more exercise & healthier eating, however I was so happy with my progress I lost my way & the latest visit to the doctor has me going back to where I started. So another kick in the butt & I'm ready to get back on the healthier train again. I have a Bernese Mountain Dog, we walk 3.5Km each day & I run a camping ground, so walking isn't necessarily my problem, food & beer is! My goal for the month is to have lost 3kg, 6.5lbs, so here we go!
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Today was my first victory since restarting my journey. The last few days I've been in a really good mood and mindset so it was easier to stick to my goals. Today was the first day where my anxiety and depression kinda kicked in. Usually when that happens is when I binge on food and not care how much I'm eating. Despite all the urges I had today, I conquered through them. I didn't give in. And to me it's a big deal because I feel like if I can get through them once, I can keep going!

    Another plus, I'm also starting to like water which is weird for me to say cuz I usually HATE water lol
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    hey everyone hows it going? Weekends are usually rough for me but so far so good. I worked outside most of the day building a retaining wall and then went frisbee golfing so I got a lot of walking in. I guess the only bad part of the day was I ate a footlong sweet onion chicken teriyaki. on wheat with pepperjack onions lettuce and spinach for dinner. I could have done without a whole foot long but I ate well all day and was very active so im not sweating it.
    looking forward to this months challenge. i have a lot of weight to lose and plan i hitting it this coming month.
  • cheeso1
    cheeso1 Posts: 11 Member
    Well girls can someone tell me when the first weigh is x
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    cheeso1 wrote: »
    Well girls can someone tell me when the first weigh is x

    I’m pretty sure it’s this week with whatever day you picked for weigh in ?
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    @cheeso1 Yes, like @rawrxamberx said, you'll report your weight on whatever day of the week you picked for your weigh-in. If you need help remembering, take a look back at your post in the August registration thread.
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