TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    Quick question:

    Those of you who have lost enough weight to warrant cleaning out the closet, what is your strategy as far as keeping the big clothes? Do you just toss or donate everything, figuring you'll never go back? Do you keep some things?

    I'm in the midst of a closet reorganization right now, and I feel like I'm having a mental war between the self that says I'm on the right path and I'm sticking to it and the self that .... doesn't say that.

    I think I'm going to keep mine until I'm a few sizes below.. so ie 24's until i hit 18 for pants just in case i bloat during that pesky week during the month.. or xxl until i'm an xl in shirts. Then I'll probably sell them on facebook to put towards new items.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    Week 3- August
    Previous: 181.9
    Current: 179.3

    Drinks with friends last night took a small toll, as I'm heavier this morning than I was yesterday morning, but I'm happy to have more than unloaded my gain last week (I went from 179.8 in Week 1 to 181.9 in Week 2).

    Heading downstairs to do some squats and lunges and other leg work. I almost hesitate to say this, but I can feel some definition in the muscles of my body: quads especially, but when I turn my arms just right, a little tricep head pops up. It's intoxicating. I want more!!

    Isn't this the best?! I'm starting the actually like my arms. I think I was 12 the last time I liked my arms. And I'm not some toned goddess right now. Just proud of the work I've put in!
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    Quick question:

    Those of you who have lost enough weight to warrant cleaning out the closet, what is your strategy as far as keeping the big clothes? Do you just toss or donate everything, figuring you'll never go back? Do you keep some things?

    I'm in the midst of a closet reorganization right now, and I feel like I'm having a mental war between the self that says I'm on the right path and I'm sticking to it and the self that .... doesn't say that.

    This is going to be super long lol because I've put a lot of thought into it. It was hard for me to let go of clothes because they are "worth money".

    I've been overweight since half way through high school (and felt badly about my body since puberty). My weight gain was a slow creep--it took ten years to get to my all time high. So I tell myself...even if all goes wrong, do I really want those clothes in my closet for years?

    I don't know about you, but I didn't like most of my bigger clothes. I felt dowdy because that seemed to be the only available style where I live. The clothes make me feel guilty.

    For these reasons--most to do with keeping mentally healthy--I've purged my wardrobe. I keep things that don't make me feel bad (how do I feel when wearing it?) that aren't too baggy looking (some sweaters can be oversized and still look nice, etc.). But most have gone. The irony is I have a bunch of clothes that do fit already...because I never got rid of many items I grew out of. I actually got rid of some of these items that fit okay for the same reason...they don't make me feel good about myself. I feel frumpy in them.

    Once I reached a 40ish pound loss, I tried on every item I owned and got rid of everything that made me feel bad. I allowed myself a box of untried winter clothes (to see how it all fits when it gets cooler) and a box of clothes that are still too small (to try on when I lose another 20--I really never got rid of anything!).

    I feel really good about getting rid of it all. I actually have an organized closet for the first time. Because I can fit everything in there!

    A new challenge is getting clothes that fit...while knowing darn well they won't fit for long. I did need a few causal items to get through the summer and decided to just buy things that were super cheap. Now that I'm smaller, I can find cute stuff in my size on the sales rack. I headed to the outlets and went to H&M (four dresses at $10 each, two rompers at $7), Old Navy ($15 conservative dress) and GAP (three sweaters at $10 each). Dresses are my favorite during the weight loss because they still fit okay when a bit loose. Pants are a nightmare. I spent $50 on jeans back in February, and they didn't even make it two weeks. I'm still kicking myself over that purchase.

    In short, I recommend getting rid of everything that doesn't look/feel good and (if you are a woman who wears dresses) buying cheap dresses while still on your journey! Also I donate everything frumpy and check in with a few friends first about the clothes I actually think are nice.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    @LesIckaBod I did keep a shirt and a dress that I was wearing in photos of me at my highest for comparison.

    Also, you've got this. You've got the tools you need. Keep trusting in the process and in your strength. Look at what you've already accomplished and have faith in yourself! We're not going back.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    edited August 2018
    Username: eevang
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 167.4
    Current weight: 165.0


    Been pretty good this week, wasn't seeing it on the scale, was trying to kick my guilt from my willpower struggles from over a week ago, when whoosh! Never fails. Keep working, keep believing, and give it time!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 14
    Exercised?: Yes. 4km walk at lunch, 6km walk over dinner (North Sydney).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Travelled interstate (again).

    Been here that may times that the hotel staff know me and I gave me a free room upgrade (not that I need it - but it is appreciated).

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 14 is plank. (standard, forearm or knee) (

    2 sets
    • First set 30 seconds if new to them, 60 seconds if a regular, 90 seconds if can regularly make 60 seconds. , wait 2
    • Second set 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds
  • brunchowl
    brunchowl Posts: 44 Member
    Here's the big whoosh I've been waiting for after not having lost anything the past 2 weeks!

    user ID: brunchowl
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Last week: 164.4
    Today: 158.8
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    Quick question:

    Those of you who have lost enough weight to warrant cleaning out the closet, what is your strategy as far as keeping the big clothes? Do you just toss or donate everything, figuring you'll never go back? Do you keep some things?

    I'm in the midst of a closet reorganization right now, and I feel like I'm having a mental war between the self that says I'm on the right path and I'm sticking to it and the self that .... doesn't say that.

    I hit the 20 pound lost mark this week and finally have clothes that are too big. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday that as soon as I put them on I knew it was the last time I would wear them, just too big and unflattering now. I'm purging these immediately from my closet & will keep purging as I go and then when have a big bag of things I will take to a donation center.
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Just checking in as I haven't posted in a few days. Been doing good on eating besides Saturday I had a bunch of sushi. Took my sister out for her birthday. Probably over did it but whatever. It's once a year. This morning I checked my weight and I'm finally dropping again so that's good. It was staying the same for awhile. Looking forward to Thursdays weigh in. Hoping for a good 5 pound loss. Fingers crossed
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    It's frustrating that all I hear about is cutting carbs. I enjoy veggies with hummas but carrots have carbs. Fruits have carbs. Geeze. I would really like to try keto but I don't think it's in the cards.
    How many carbs do you all average a day if your watching them that is
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member

    Got this little guy in my second month's order! They are so cheesy in my opinion but I love it! Every little thing helps. However, I've gained and lost these 30 pounds over and over again never breaking 290... So I think when I get my 40 lb bear it'll really mean something! It means I've broken the cycle.

    Does anyone else find themselves getting annoyed with tv commercials? DQ, Burger King, Wendy's... every other commercial it seems is flashing fast food. Not helping currently... I just wanna shove my mouth full of junk. But then I think of all my hard work and how much better I feel and it's enough to stay the course. Instead of pigging out I find myself reaching for healthy snacks like a hard boiled egg, another salad, etc.

    Hope everyone is doing good so far this week! We are rocking this challenge... keep strong everyone!
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    It's frustrating that all I hear about is cutting carbs. I enjoy veggies with hummas but carrots have carbs. Fruits have carbs. Geeze. I would really like to try keto but I don't think it's in the cards.
    How many carbs do you all average a day if your watching them that is

    I got diagnosed with diabetes on 3/2. I said I'll reverse it within 6 months with nutrition only.
    My A1C was 7.5 on 3/2: Diabetes.
    It was 5.9 on 4/25: Pre-diabetes.
    5.5 today on 8/14: Normal level.

    I started the weight loss journey on 3/2. Until June, I ate a vegetarian diet, my macros were 65%carb, 20% protein, 15%fat. My bloodwork looked really good, I felt good, inflammation was gone, but the weight loss was painfully slow: 4% in 3 months. Also, i felt deprived and often had major cravings.

    Then i started keto on 6/11. And I'm happier on it. I dont have cravings because fat satisfies all cravings. My goal is to lose 3-4% per month and it's very doable on this eating style.
    I am not a fan of pork so the usual keto menus with tons of bacon/ribs/ham dont work for me. I am doing a modified keto with more veggies. I call it the KetoMed (Mediterranean). Honestly i miss beans and fruit but i love seing the scale go down more😊 Eventually i will adjust my diet to include some non-keto foods (fruit and beans) but not until that A1C is 5 and another 28lbs is gone.

    You can eat all the berries on keto. And carrots are awesome, too. Just figure out how many grams of carbs you would eat and then eat all the veggies and berries you can up to that amount.

    Say you are targeting 2,500 cals per day. On keto, typical macros are 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs. That means 194g fat, 156 g protein, and 30g carbs.

    My macros are 65%fat, 20% protein, and 15%carbs. For 2,500 cals, that would mean 180g fat, 125g protein, 93g carbs.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 15
    Exercised?: Yes. 4km walk at lunch, 10km walk after dinner (North Sydney).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Not in Sydney next week. Going home tomorrow. Super busy tailing everything up.

    Long walk tonight. Last chance to "take in the sights" for a while. Walked bridge and opera house.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 15 is dips ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited August 2018
    metubal wrote: »
    Non scale victory! My A1C is 5.5 today!! I am no longer diabetic or pre-diabetic. Diagnosed on 3/2 and reversed it in 5 months with nutrition only! I rock😁😁😁

    @metubal. AWESOME!!!!

    My wife is working on a similar goal, but she is already on insulin (metformin was no longer working).

    Over the passed 2 months, my wife's insulin requirement has dropped and looks like dropping further sticking with the lifestyle change. She has also lost 10 lbs in the last 2 months, but the BIG achievement is the reduction in the daily blood sugar readings.

    Like you, my wife's diet change is high fat, moderate protein, low carb. A Keto'ish style diet.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Does anyone else find themselves getting annoyed with tv commercials? DQ, Burger King, Wendy's... every other commercial it seems is flashing fast food. Not helping currently... I just wanna shove my mouth full of junk. But then I think of all my hard work and how much better I feel and it's enough to stay the course. Instead of pigging out I find myself reaching for healthy snacks like a hard boiled egg, another salad, etc.

    Hope everyone is doing good so far this week! We are rocking this challenge... keep strong everyone!

    @WishfulThinning18. After a while, you ignore these commercials as they are not targeted for you. You see the lies in the marketing messages they contain. Their food does not make you feel good. It is not good food (built down to a price, not up to a quality). It does not make you feel energetic (usually quite the opposite). It is not a place that brings people together.

    Adjusting my thinking to be low gluten. NONE of the fast food places adequately cater for my preferences. It makes them very easy to ignore.

    I find it almost humorous (and also very sad) that a medium size Burger King meal (normal whopper, small fries, medium coke) is more than 50% of the adult recommended daily calorie intake. Some of the hunger tamer meals are over 90% of the daily recommended calorie intake.

    As a rule of thumb, any food that is advertised is generally not the food you want.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    It's frustrating that all I hear about is cutting carbs. I enjoy veggies with hummas but carrots have carbs. Fruits have carbs. Geeze. I would really like to try keto but I don't think it's in the cards.
    How many carbs do you all average a day if your watching them that is

    @grebber1. My percentages average out at about 25% carbs, 30% fats, 45% protein. However I am big on protein. Carbs are ALWAYS low. Protein is ALWAYS high. I also drink PLENTY of water (as high protein can be hard on the kidneys).

    Food that fills you up is: fats, protein and fibre. Processed carbs (including sugar, most grains (and to a lesser extent whole grains), juices, etc..) reduce fibre vs carbohydrate.

    Whole vegetables are good (keeps the fibre, provides vitamins and minerals).

    There are essential fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, but no essential carbohydrates.

    However, most "comfort food" is high in processed carbs (and should be consumed in moderation).

    A low carb diet may not be your thing. This is fine. Experiment. Work out the macro balance that works for you. It needs to keep you satisfied (not hungry) without going too heavy on calories. It took me MONTHS to work out what worked for me.

    As a side note: low/no gluten almost enforces low carb. (I don't feel as good consuming gluten based foods, as such, I consider my digestion as gluten sensitive (but not celiac). By avoiding gluten where practical I have had more energy, less digestive problems, better concentration and better sleep).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Happy weigh-in Wednesday to: @caitlynns727. @inshapeCK. @klmac8.
  • brunchowl
    brunchowl Posts: 44 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi, just a heads up that something is wrong with the weights, it has me gaining this week and I lost a bunch. Also I hope @bootssowhite did not actually lose 148 lbs this week :-P
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    edited August 2018
    grebber1 wrote: »
    It's frustrating that all I hear about is cutting carbs. I enjoy veggies with hummas but carrots have carbs. Fruits have carbs. Geeze. I would really like to try keto but I don't think it's in the cards.
    How many carbs do you all average a day if your watching them that is

    @grebber1 I don't do Keto. You have to find what works for you.

    I make sure I eat primarily complex carbs (such as peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables) and those with naturally occurring sugars (fruits), rather than processed or refined sugars, which do not have the vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in complex carbohydrates.

    I also make sure I have a complex carb with my 1st meal of the day and at the meal right after a workout, other than those 2 times I try to focus on protein/fruit/veg instead.

    My calories are set at 1460/day which puts my carbs at 183 grams. I tend to try to keep carbs at the 100-150g range instead.

    I also limit gluten. Like @craigo3154, I just feel better all around by not eating gluten.

    Whatever path you take, it has to be sustainable for you for the long term. The way you eat during this process needs to become a lifestyle not a life sentence.
This discussion has been closed.