TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    July 31
    I did it!
  • LydiaKate1995
    LydiaKate1995 Posts: 10 Member
    I’ve been away the past week and only just getting back into routine. So I missed my weigh in day but I know what my weight was so I’ll post now.

    User name: Lydiakate1995
    Weigh in day:Sunday
    Last week’s weight: 304lbs
    This week’s weight: 309lbs

    This gain was due to being on holiday I wasn’t tracking and just enjoying Spanish food.

    This week I will get back on track
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    @inshapeCK Congrats on the 25 lbs!! that's such an amazing milestone to hit! I can't wait to get there myself. Keep going and you've proven you got this!
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    July 27

    July 28

    July 29

    July 30
    Calories:Yes under limit

    July 31
    Calories:Under limit
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    August 1:
    Exercise: Nope
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    Today was the day I got my last wisdom tooth out (finally!) so I've had a boring bland diet of soup and pudding and jello. Won't be able to exercise (heavily) until at least Saturday, but I'll be working on getting some steps in tomorrow and Friday at work!
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    August 1
    Tracted: yes
    Well I have publicly announced my goals on my Facebook pagw which are reasonable. This month i want to loose 5 to 10 pounds. I have decided to work on small goal which to me are more achievable than large one. Which i happy about. I still been having craving of nuts and cheese. Not sure why. I also start a new work routine from youtube. Hasfit and i am enjoying it. Go me! Tomorrow is my first weight in finger cross i lost weight!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited August 2018
    Username: craigo3154
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: (62.5kg) 137.8
    Todays Weight: (62.3kg) 137.3

    First Wednesday weigh in for over 2 months (with all the travel). Mind you it was at 5:00am before catching a flight interstate.

    For anyone that is new to Gutbusters this month just a note on my weigh ins. I am not part of the teams results. I am actively trying NOT to lose weight, but maintain. As such, my weigh ins are optional. I choose to post a weigh in so that others can see I am still keeping a similar focus in maintenance as I was when losing weight.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited August 2018
    August 1
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 9+km in North Sydney (3+km at lunch and 6+km for dinner).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Early flight. Uneventful. They remembered by gluten free meal.

    Lunchtime walk. Walk to get dinner.

    Fell asleep at keyboard while composing the daily post, was so tired (woke up 20 mins later and crawled into bed, posting the following day).

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 01 is side lunges ()

    3 sets
    • First set 10 or 15 each leg (if 10 is too easy continue to 15).
    • Second set 6 or 9 each leg.
    • Third set 5 or 8 each leg.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    August 1:
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    did okay yesterday, was under my calorie goal though because i tried to eat lots of fruits which filled me up . workouts was cardio only
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 2
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 14+km in North Sydney (4+km at lunch and 10+km for dinner).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Lunchtime walk. Long walk to get dinner (over the bridge and around the opera house).

    MapMyWalk says I have walked over 1018km so far this year (Just got the message that I beat the year :) )

    Tracked all I ate and MFP says I should eat more if I want to not lose weight.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 02 is side planks. ()

    2 sets
    • First set 15s, 30s each side, wait 2 mins
    • Second set 15s, 30s each side.
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    Weigh in day:Thursday
    Beginning weight:172
    Weight lost:171.4

    I have mixed emotion of my weight lost but i think i should of lost more but i did have a few days were i gained some weight back and trying to loose it again. I have to keep reminding myself this is a journey marathon not a sprint!😀
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Weigh in day:Thursday
    Beginning weight:172
    Weight lost:171.4

    I have mixed emotion of my weight lost but i think i should of lost more but i did have a few days were i gained some weight back and trying to loose it again. I have to keep reminding myself this is a journey marathon not a sprint!😀

    Keep putting together enough 0.6lb loss weeks, and you'll be where you want to be! Keep track of your calories (including "off days") for a few weeks, and you should be able to make better predictions about how much you can realistically lose in a week. Keeping track of the data and seeing how the daily choices affect the weekly outcomes may help you make better choices along the way, too -- it did for me.

    I see you're doing the Hasfit workouts. I started with the month-long "foundation" workouts in April, and I've stuck with the daily exercises since then, moving up to the "Motive" level this month. They've been awesome for me, and I hope you get great results, too!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,942 Member

    I love your username!

    Thanks for the congrats after I reached the milestone of 25 pounds lost.
    I actually did a happy dance in front of the mirror, lol!!!!! :D
    I am proud of myself.
    We all know what a long and hard journey it is to lose weight and keep it off.
    You will get there. It just takes time and perseverance and doing the things we know we need to do in order to lose weight. Recently people have asked me what my secret it is or how I lost the weight and I told them there is no secret. I knew what I needed to do (eat healthy) but I often didn't do it and how I lost weight is by making better choices one baby step at a time (e.g., I am not a fan a salad but I have now found ways to eat and even sometimes enjoy, lol, salad) and I had to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race so it is okay that it took me 2 years to lose the weight as I have now kept it off.

  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Oh boy.... was told the company was buying pizza for lunch monday. There's usually a bunch too. It's my weakness and I'm already nervous. I can do this. I will not have any. It's not worth it right now. Maybe down the road but not right now. I'm doing really well and just don't need any distractions. Its a test I say. The good lord wants to see if I'm for real this time.
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    @grebber1 you got this! One day at a time!
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks and yes I'm in control this time, not my belly
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    So I'm trying to behave... but for some reason I'm hungry ALL the time lately. Like hungry my stomach has a dull ache hungry. Not sure what's going on. When I'm coming off breakfast I feel great. I have fruit and yogurt for a snack, a lunch meal (i'm doing Nutrisystem) decent sized salad and a side of cottage cheese and tomatoes, then peanut butter and apple for another snack. Up until I eat dinner.. this pain is there. As soon as I eat dinner I'm back to not having it. I don't know if I should swap out my dairy stuff for meat based protein or not. Only issue with that is it is less volume as the dairy hence why I chose dairy because I thought volume would be keeping me more full than the other options.

    It may also be ToM. Not sure but I wish it'd go away. It's been like this for a week... prior to that I haven't had this issue and I started 3 weeks ago on this journey.
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