TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Hanging around 374 last few days. Been tracking everything and getting my walks in. Oh this stubborn game we play (my fat and i)
    She's coming off weather she likes it or not.
    Shouldn't have any problems losing at my size. Gonna have to reevaluate what I'm eating (which is good food) and make sure I'm using the scale

    @grebber1. Weight is not the ideal measure of effectiveness of what you are doing. Size (chest, waist, hips) are far better to track results. Size seems to move consistently where as weight goes in plateaus and wooshes.

    The thread mentioned by @bootssowhite. has a lot of good information in it.

    Essentially, water is the biggest contributor to weight fluctuations. As fat is consumed in the fat cells, a portion is replaced with water. The cells hang onto this water for a while (in case is it needed and helps with cell hydration). Once it is apparent the volume of water is not required in the fat cell, it is finally released flushed from the body (via, exhalation, perspiration, urination).

    The main focus is to continue to do the right things (eat a calorie deficit, get enough sleep, do some regular activity) and the weight will finally shift.

    You should experiment slowly with the types of food you are eating and your response to that food. For me, high protein, moderate fat, low carb works well. For my wife, high fat, moderate protein, very low carb is her best combination. Others work better on lower fat, moderate protein, higher unprocessed carbohydrate.

    One common thing is seems to be processed carbohydrate (sugar, wheat flour, corn syrup, etc...) are VERY calorie dense and low on satiety (making you feel full). Limit these and you tend to eat less calories in a sitting.

    Also trans fats (frying in oil) also tends to be bad for LDL cholesterol management. Most natural fats (saturated and unsaturated, mono- and poly-) seem to be fine. Fat is not metabolised directly into fat in the blood stream (contrary to 1970's thinking that mad fat the "bad guy" for so long).

    Stick with it. Track and regularly review results. You will find what mix works for you.

    Slow and steady wins this race long term (although weight will tend to stair-step).
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    August 7

    Calories:Above limit
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    edited August 2018
    Was horrible today... two beers... a greasy meaty sandwich... kettle chips... two margaritas... I can't even guess how many calories it was. The only saving grace was this is all I ate/drank today besides water... But between the yard work yesterday... and today I installed some hardwood floors... and i also swing danced for a good 40 minutes to an hour... so i HOPE i broke even on calories in calories out today :(
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    edited August 2018
    Username: caitlynns727
    Week: 2
    Weigh-in Day: Wednesday
    Previous Weight: 182.3
    Current Weight: 180.8
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 8
    Exercised?: Yes. 10+km walk before dinner (Opera house).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Long walk before dinner.

    Visiting a friend for dinner tomorrow night.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 08 is sit-ups or crunches (abs day - be sure to use a mat or towel for cushioning - )

    2 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)

    The reason for only 2 sets for this exercise is that it ideally should be balanced with back strengthening exercises (which plank variants provide).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Was horrible today... two beers... a greasy meaty sandwich... kettle chips... two margaritas... I can't even guess how many calories it was. The only saving grace was this is all I ate/drank today besides water... But between the yard work yesterday... and today I installed some hardwood floors... and i also swing danced for a good 40 minutes to an hour... so i HOPE i broke even on calories in calories out today :(

    @WishfulThinning18. If that is *ALL* you ate/drank, you are probably under calorie budget for the day. The only non-calorie bomb in there is probably the fillings of the meaty sandwich (protein tends NOT to be calorie dense for how much it fills you up).

    Track it anyway (use MFP to best guess the actual calorie count). This will show you where the calories (and macros) really are for what you ate. This is so you can try choose a little better next time (or at least stop at one margaritas instead of two :) ).

    Tomorrow is a new day and just try to make it a good day. (Do not try to make up for today).
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Buying a Peloton bike today. Pretty exciting
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Buying a Peloton bike today. Pretty exciting

    @grebber1. Not to dissuade you from something that will help BUT be sure it is what you will use going forward. A Peleton bike will help with raising daily activity, but only if you commit to use it.

    I have seen too many people have home exercise equipment they seldom use after month or two. (My wife has a VERY good treadmill that has not been used in over 3 years - We sold the exercise bike over 2 years ago (also seldom used) - My wife's bike has been ridden no more than a dozen times (my mountain bike was ridden consistently may years ago, but I have not ridden it in recent years)).

    Do you have any exercise equipment that you currently use? Do you have a committed schedule to use the Peloton bike beyond the next month?

    Also do not believe the kCal burn numbers from exercise equipment. They are regularly over-estimate calories burned (often considerably). As you get better at something, you become more efficient and the burn per minute drops even further. The only reliable burn measurement is a VO2 max (which relies on measuring the total oxygen used and CO2 exhaled in a given period). VO2 max is really only performed in laboratory conditions.

    Lastly. Exercise (especially cardio), is only a minor calorie burn within a day. For example, my 85 minutes 10.5km walk yesterday is estimated to burn 700 kCal (Yes, I walk a consistent average of 4.5mph - average walking pace is 3.1mph). My daily kCal usage (TDEE) if I do NOTHING (ie. stay in bed) is 2000kCal. Regulating your diet will do FAR more than any exercise (or equipment). As the saying goes: "You cannot out-exercise a bad diet".

    (btw, 1lb of fat is roughly 3500 kCal - ie. you need to burn 3500 kCal MORE than you consume to lose approximately 1lb of fat - This is 2-3 DAYS food for most people.)

    Find an exercise or activity that you are happy to do. One you look forward to. That is the one you should pursue. If the Peloton bike is it, then use it and enjoy it.
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    Username: eevang
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 167.6
    Current weight: 167.4

    Not a dramatic loss, but I had some tough days with regards to willpower lately. I've been back on track for three days now and feel really good again. I am confident I'll see a bigger loss next week.

    I'm feeling very committed. 161 was my weight at the beginning of my second year of college. 151 was the beginning of college. I've got some fun goals to work towards.
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    Username: inshapeCK
    Week: 2
    Weigh-in Day: Wednesday
    Previous Weight: 145.0
    Current Weight: 146.1

    Not surprised that I am up 1.1 pounds as I was down 1.8 pounds last week
    and last night we had company for dinner and they didn't arrive until after 7pm so we ate dinner late
    and dinner was Caesar salad, bought lasagna with extra cheese, garlic toast, and vanilla cake
    plus I was already up a pound the day before my weigh in so it wasn't looking good for me.
    Anyway, I will not let this derail me. Back at it tomorrow working at eating healthy and I will get back down the 1.1 pounds I was up.
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Buying a Peloton bike today. Pretty exciting

    @grebber1. Not to dissuade you from something that will help BUT be sure it is what you will use going forward. A Peleton bike will help with raising daily activity, but only if you commit to use it.

    I have seen too many people have home exercise equipment they seldom use after month or two. (My wife has a VERY good treadmill that has not been used in over 3 years - We sold the exercise bike over 2 years ago (also seldom used) - My wife's bike has been ridden no more than a dozen times (my mountain bike was ridden consistently may years ago, but I have not ridden it in recent years)).

    Do you have any exercise equipment that you currently use? Do you have a committed schedule to use the Peloton bike beyond the next month?

    Also do not believe the kCal burn numbers from exercise equipment. They are regularly over-estimate calories burned (often considerably). As you get better at something, you become more efficient and the burn per minute drops even further. The only reliable burn measurement is a VO2 max (which relies on measuring the total oxygen used and CO2 exhaled in a given period). VO2 max is really only performed in laboratory conditions.

    Lastly. Exercise (especially cardio), is only a minor calorie burn within a day. For example, my 85 minutes 10.5km walk yesterday is estimated to burn 700 kCal (Yes, I walk a consistent average of 4.5mph - average walking pace is 3.1mph). My daily kCal usage (TDEE) if I do NOTHING (ie. stay in bed) is 2000kCal. Regulating your diet will do FAR more than any exercise (or equipment). As the saying goes: "You cannot out-exercise a bad diet".

    (btw, 1lb of fat is roughly 3500 kCal - ie. you need to burn 3500 kCal MORE than you consume to lose approximately 1lb of fat - This is 2-3 DAYS food for most people.)

    Find an exercise or activity that you are happy to do. One you look forward to. That is the one you should pursue. If the Peloton bike is it, then use it and enjoy it.

    I'll use it. I use to bike a ton on the tow paths around me. Riding is something I enjoy
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 9
    Exercised?: Yes. 8.5km walk to friends house for dinner.
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Long walk before dinner.

    Good company, good food, great evening. Great to catch up after such a long time.

    Unfortunately looks like another 2 weeks with travel to Sydney. Only 3 days a week, but still not the time at home I would have liked. Must do what the work requires.

    @grebber1. Enjoy your Peloton bike.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 09 is door frame rows ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
    • Third set

    The reason for this exercise is push ups and dips work primarily the triceps (pushing). This exercise balances the others by working the biceps (pulling).
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    I definitely agree with you that diet is the main factor in weight loss.
    You know at 370 tho you wouldn't think it would take much effort to lose weight. I use to eat a ton of food to get where I'm at. This last 4 or so days I've stayed at the same weight. I understand there's many factors in how people lose weight but I'm still disappointed that my weight stayed the same. I've tracked everything with pretty good precision and have been active. These two things alone you would think I would be able to overcome sitting around and just eating what I want. And yet the weight has stayed the same. It is kind of discouraging. I'm not giving up or anything like that I just really thought being so heavy that it would not take much to have a constant drop in weight. You know what I mean?
    I'm still kind of carb heavy in my diet and I need to pay more attention to my sodium intake I believe. So we will see what the next few weeks bring now that I'm starting to run out of food in the house that has a lot of carbs. Healthy mind you just carb High
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    I definitely agree with you that diet is the main factor in weight loss.
    You know at 370 tho you wouldn't think it would take much effort to lose weight. I use to eat a ton of food to get where I'm at. This last 4 or so days I've stayed at the same weight. I understand there's many factors in how people lose weight but I'm still disappointed that my weight stayed the same. I've tracked everything with pretty good precision and have been active. These two things alone you would think I would be able to overcome sitting around and just eating what I want. And yet the weight has stayed the same. It is kind of discouraging. I'm not giving up or anything like that I just really thought being so heavy that it would not take much to have a constant drop in weight. You know what I mean?
    I'm still kind of carb heavy in my diet and I need to pay more attention to my sodium intake I believe. So we will see what the next few weeks bring now that I'm starting to run out of food in the house that has a lot of carbs. Healthy mind you just carb High

    What you are explaining, I totally get. I am working so hard, making such good choices and it is a SLOW process, However, in the past when this might have discouraged me, NOW it is a motivator to continue this healthy lifestyle for the long term. Why would I want to engage in behaviors that led me to this state when I know how hard it is to reverse them. Anytime I think of giving in, or do not see the results I think I should, I remember my efforts and become even more focused. As my young daughter told me, "If it is this hard to regain fitness, wouldn't it have been just easier to not have lost it in the 1st place?" From the mouths of babes...

    P.S. You are doing a great job! Good luck with the Peleton bike, my husband who is a cyclist wants one so bad :)
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    I definitely agree with you that diet is the main factor in weight loss.
    You know at 370 tho you wouldn't think it would take much effort to lose weight. I use to eat a ton of food to get where I'm at. This last 4 or so days I've stayed at the same weight. I understand there's many factors in how people lose weight but I'm still disappointed that my weight stayed the same. I've tracked everything with pretty good precision and have been active. These two things alone you would think I would be able to overcome sitting around and just eating what I want. And yet the weight has stayed the same. It is kind of discouraging. I'm not giving up or anything like that I just really thought being so heavy that it would not take much to have a constant drop in weight. You know what I mean?
    I'm still kind of carb heavy in my diet and I need to pay more attention to my sodium intake I believe. So we will see what the next few weeks bring now that I'm starting to run out of food in the house that has a lot of carbs. Healthy mind you just carb High

    What you are explaining, I totally get. I am working so hard, making such good choices and it is a SLOW process, However, in the past when this might have discouraged me, NOW it is a motivator to continue this healthy lifestyle for the long term. Why would I want to engage in behaviors that led me to this state when I know how hard it is to reverse them. Anytime I think of giving in, or do not see the results I think I should, I remember my efforts and become even more focused. As my young daughter told me, "If it is this hard to regain fitness, wouldn't it have been just easier to not have lost it in the 1st place?" From the mouths of babes...

    P.S. You are doing a great job! Good luck with the Peleton bike, my husband who is a cyclist wants one so bad :)

    Thank you for the words of encouragement! I really needed it today. I'm in no way giving up I guess just venting a little bit. I do however feel much better and thinner than the scale actually says so that's a plus. I hope your husband gets this bike someday. I'm really pumped to do the classes. Better than sitting in my computer chair playing games and watching TV with a potato chip hanging out my mouth
  • biblebabe588
    biblebabe588 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't remember my beginning weight. I was 171.4 now i am 173. :) I am OK with this. I fit now in to a size 10 pants today! I gain muscle thanks to hasfit. I hided my scale and only am measuring my inches now instead of focusing on the pound. Finally after a month in a half i have a break through of not feeling discourage or overwhelmed. I found two great community to support me. MFP and Hasfit. If this will disqualify me from the biggest loser then i understand but keep going. Don't give up! One day at a time. Some day are better than other. There are days when you want to give up and it sucked. As long as you come back the next day just trying your already a better person because you decided to get up a move! Happy Thursday!
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Made it home late last night from the 1200 mile car ride -- what a doozy! I'm not sure what the cost of my inactivity was on my weight goals (don't have the Aria scale up and running yet), but I did aim to eat close-ish to plan on the road. No sodas on the trip, and I used to love getting fountain sodas at gas stations (that sounds weird, but it's true - I thought they were the best!). I actually haven't had a coke since March. I wonder how much that's contributed to my weight loss since April?

    We got up early this morning, unpacked the car and suitcases, then went to the grocery store to get the pantry and fridge stocked. Two flats of 30 eggs came home with us, because you know I love me some hard boiled eggs for breakfast! A batch to last me the next 5 days is already boiled. Plus I got onion and sriracha, because being away from home meant I didn't have all my delicious spicy and pungent foods that I only I in the family adore. Now everyone has to live with my onions and garlic and spicy sauce smells again.

    Two happy surprises awaited me at home! First, new compression capris for exercising were here, and they are so nice, and make me feel so happy to exercise! Second, I tried on some pants that I haven't worn in ages, and I mentally prepped myself to have to suck in the gut to get them around me. One leg in, and I was waiting to feel the constriction around the thigh, but none was there. A second leg in... the pull upward to my waist... the buttoning, the zipping, the dancing in celebration, hurrah!! They were not tight, and even were a little loose around the waist, and fine around the thigh. My wardrobe has tripled if I can wear my old clothes.

    One last thing: it's week 2 of August, and there's plenty of time to go in this month. I get the feeling that some people are feeling a struggle now, so maybe some positive thinking would help? Here's a question: can you identify something that's bringing you happiness or joy right now as a direct or indirect result of your weight loss?

    I guess I'm feeling the post-vacay glow still, because I feel a lot of happiness right now (see my 2 happy surprises, plus my joy in having sriracha again!), but one thing that I really feel great about is that my son learned how to swim this summer, and it's an indirect result of the fact that because I had lost some weight and put on a little muscle, I was more comfortable in my skin and more willing to hang out at the pool. And because of that, my guy just had more time to get comfortable in the water, and all of sudden, he became a swimmer!
  • cjscoey
    cjscoey Posts: 57 Member
    Username: cjscoey
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 178.6
    Todays Weight: 177.0

    I was away this week for work, tracked, but didn't get much exercise in.
  • klmac8
    klmac8 Posts: 11 Member

    Name: klmac8
    Week 2
    Weigh in day : wed
    Previous week: 194.4
    Current weight: 195.0
This discussion has been closed.