danaslh Member


  • Dang, Sorry I missed the start of this post!! Too much to catch up on!! But, I will try to behave. (Better than what I have seen..LOL)
  • Thank you for your response, I was just wondering how I can count what I am actually doing on my exercise portion of MFP especially since the kettle bell is a new exercise for me.
  • OH.. and I read that 20 minutes of kettle bell equals 400 calories burned.
  • This is my third time on MFP too.. but.. one of many attempts to losing and KEEPING weight off. I did well for years. Then All of a sudden this past year I am struggling. Found out I have a nodule ( or whatever it may be) on my thyroid... I CERTAINLY hope this is not the sign of things yet to be!! I am getting way to old…
  • ME TOO...I lost 17 lbs using MFP (need to lose 30 ARRGH) got it all back.. I fell of the wagon.. I neeeed motivation. When I log what I eat I do well not over eating and getting back in my exercise regiment.
  • Good morning everyone, WELL.. not really NEW to MFP.. COMING BACK . I got lost ... AGAIN ... so I am back and determined to be successful. I NEEED HELP! OK.. now for my first problem. I had to of course put my start weight in.. however, it's telling me I am already 5.4 lb loss. How do I get that back to zero? Is it using…