I did it last week wasn’t expecting it and thought I’d try my best - was so shocked myself to complete xx
I am - I eat lots of stir frys, soups or salads for lunch, crumpets or banana pancakes for breakfast xx
Am an overweight veggie too, been veggie over 20 years, stir fry some with no oil help me and just started with courgetti, find I'm stumbling with the nuts um eating to increase the protein as can't help eating the who,e pack
Had it for nine months and was dieting and exercising but gaining weight and extremely bloated - been able to lose over 2st since it was removed, still lots to go but moving the right way
Shame we can't choose where it goes from have disgusting stubborn legs and bottom :(
5'2" and on 1200 lost 16 lb this year but only 1 lb in the last month but working out loads and shape changing so not too sad but would like a bigger drop
Put on so much weight that diet and exercise wouldn't shift for ten. Oaths, took it out and it's going, long way to go as was already overweight but it really didn't suit me
42 pounds eeekk