rlmiller216 Member


  • Hey girl! I'm plant based - slogan is 'vegan within reason' ;) Definitely download the app Vegan Amino - its vegan instagram!! The community on there is so positive and amazing. Adding you! :)
  • Been eating plant based for nearly a year. Would love some company on this app!
  • I don't yet but I need to find one! Is it sad that I'm dissuaded from all the ones I've seen because the require working out 5 days a week? Lol Anyway the HM I have my eyes on is not until late October so I have a little time to mull things over. Sort of...
  • Hey MaryKate! :smile: Awesome that you're taking up running. A lot if great advice on here has already been given but I think the "take it slow" message is worth repeating. Seriously don't feel the need to kill yourself speed-or distance-wise; it will suck all the joy out of running for you! Also if you have a Roadrunner…
  • Ah, girl nerds - for us the odds are good, but the goods are odd!