rachsamuel1994 Member


  • I lost track quite a few times. I find that filling in my diary for the next day the night before helps me because I can then see what I've put on my diary to eat and follow that. Even if it's just breakfast and dinner, I can look at it as a guide and sort of motivation because I want to follow what I've said I will eat.…
  • Thank you guys! Really great advice there! And planks are hell to do! Haha. It's really good to do the research on stuff- before I would've just said 'x amount of crunches a day' etc but there's a good range of things. It's good to know your stuff!
  • Seems like before I start going into different exercises i need to do my research on what actually helps what!
  • This makes me realise how little I actually know about these things! Thank you very much :)
  • Youtube videos are defo worth a watch! I've been contemplating buying different workout DVD's but I searched on Youtube and basically found everything I needed on there!
  • Wales, UK. It's freezing and grey ! But it is most of the year .... :(
  • Thank you ifeomaxoxo and good luck to you too! I do the Just Dance games on the wii sam and I find them so good because they're enjoyable and tire me out! I've only heard of that Kendra when she came on 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' - a show here in the UK. She was annoying haha but that dvd sounds great- it doesn't…
  • I started taking birth control when I was 16 (I'm 20 now) but I'm not sure if that was part of my weight gain, thinking about it they may be a contribution to it At home I have a kettle bell workout DVD and I use hand weights but was looking to buy another exercise DVD, what ones do you find good? It's great that it's…
  • Thanks! And it's so hard! When I'm busy it's hard to motivate myself. People say it's easy to go to a gym etc but it's not always! And costs too! As a teenager I always used to brag about how much I could eat and not put on weight- I think that backfired on me big time ! Haha! - Good luck to you as well! :)