B01JHen Member


  • One thing to do is make sure you get enough fiber in your food every day. This helps a lot! Good luck and watch the saturated fats, too.
  • Thanks for the comments - I will respond to those that asked about homemade. I found a site - Spark - that lets you enter in the recipe and then it calculates the calories for you. Some that I entered I also entered in the calories and nutritional info if I had it in my cookbook. So most of those should be very accurate,…
  • Okay - I didn't even realize it was locked, but I opened my diary. I am weighing my food, my splurge was logged into food - a couple cupcakes, hamburger last Friday and beer. Still just over the 1200. I weigh weekly. I had a hysterectomy with removal of ovaries nearly 20 years ago, so should not be that issue!
  • Thanks for the support - guess what?? - I reweighed this AM and I am down 1 entire pound!! I am very happy with that. I know my metabolism is slowed and think it has stayed that way since my hospitalization as I used to be able to eat more. However, even adding exercise a year ago didn't help - and when I took in about 300…
  • Thanks for the comments once again. Now I am week 3 and still stalled!!! No weight change at all since Fe. 25th and then it was only 0.2 of a lb. This is getting frustrating. I have begun measuring and weighing everything and can't see that it is making any difference.
  • Actually that's a fallacy I just learned when I started this diet! the fact is that muscle weighs the same as fat - i.e. a pound of feathers and a pound of bricks are still a pound. I do know muscle does burn more calories. Not sure how to reply to some earlier questions - I had a bowel obstruction related to prior…
  • Great got it!!
  • Wow - thanks for all the comment and suggestions. I will try to respond to everyone in this note. - First, I was hospitalized 1.5 years ago. I lost 12 lbs. When I got home I started gaining and then kept gaining 1 lb per month until I was about 10 more than my pre-hospital weight!! (pre hospital weight = 128-130) I finally…