Now weight is up even though the past week I averaged 1250-1300 calories per day!

Just can't figure this out. I was stalled at the same weight for over 2 weeks. Then I finally went down a pound. I was elated!!! Well guess what - one week later I am up 2 lbs!! The 2 weeks I stalled I maintained no more than 1200 calories a day. This past week I splurged a bit, but maintained an average of 1300 per day! I still exercise 3 times a week - so that has not changed. Water weight?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You will probably get better advice if you open your diary. Nobody can really answer your question specifically without more information.

    I'll go ahead and ask -- are you weighing your food? Are you using generic database entries?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Splurged on what?

    Excess sodium - water weight
    Change-up in exercise - water weight
    Ovulation / Period - water weight

    But even so - how's your logging, it is good advice to open your diary to allow people to give specific advice
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Yes, water weight. Fluctuations happen, you won't lose every week. Some weeks you'll gain. It'll probably be gone next week. Do you weigh weekly or daily?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Diary locked OP? Open it.
  • B01JHen
    B01JHen Posts: 13 Member
    Okay - I didn't even realize it was locked, but I opened my diary. I am weighing my food, my splurge was logged into food - a couple cupcakes, hamburger last Friday and beer. Still just over the 1200. I weigh weekly. I had a hysterectomy with removal of ovaries nearly 20 years ago, so should not be that issue!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    In looking at your past week, I'm not so certain that you are hitting 1,200.

    Are all the homemade entries recipes that you entered into recipe builder (the cupcake, the waffle, the muffin, the cream of turkey soup) or are you choosing them from the database?

    You are also measuring foods by "average" size (1 potato, for example) instead of weighing -- this can be a significant difference.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    This thread is pinned because this happens a lot

    go back and read it
  • Annawaywego
    Annawaywego Posts: 35 Member
    God this is so much hard work!! I don't understand why it should be hard to shift at least a pound! when I was younger I could lose it like that! I've been stuck too: one year same weight I'm 5ft tall so not really tall... Every year I've gained about 1/2 stone (7lbs) I'm still eating more or less the same and walk everyday.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you are weighing your food like you say, then your diary should reflect that. Most of the entries that I see are logged by the number of servings or cups.

    To help with accuracy, read this:
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Most people's weight fluctuates about 5 pounds either way. Seeing the scale go up to pounds is no cause for concern. What are your current states? The less you have to lose the harder it becomes. I've been battling the same 8 pounds for several months now.
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    Maybe get your hormones checked. An underactive thyroid can derail the best attempts.

    Also, are you logging everything or not logging fruits and veggies?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    You are not logging accurately. You are eating more than you think.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    I'd say there's a good possibility you are underestimating calories based on inaccurate entries. One day you have creamy chicken wild rice soup at 300+ calories and teh next day cream of turkey and rice soup at less than 100. They shouldn't be that significantly different for the 1/4 less the next day. Also a large muffin will usually run you over 300 calories - give or take a few depending on recipe. Unless these are your onw recipes in the recipe builder and you have a secret low cal recipe, the entry is too low.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    God this is so much hard work!! I don't understand why it should be hard to shift at least a pound! when I was younger I could lose it like that! I've been stuck too: one year same weight I'm 5ft tall so not really tall... Every year I've gained about 1/2 stone (7lbs) I'm still eating more or less the same and walk everyday.

    As we get older our metabolism slows down, to be able to eat the same we simply have to move more, or eat less :neutral_face:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    God this is so much hard work!! I don't understand why it should be hard to shift at least a pound! when I was younger I could lose it like that! I've been stuck too: one year same weight I'm 5ft tall so not really tall... Every year I've gained about 1/2 stone (7lbs) I'm still eating more or less the same and walk everyday.

    So you been eating maintenance for a full year? No adjustments at all?

    OP use a food scale and weighing everything you eat. Not ever thing you eat is the same calories. Even a slice of bread can be off by close to 10 grams I notice while weighing out foods.
  • Dakinirawk
    Dakinirawk Posts: 4 Member
    Please keep in mind that your weight could go up if you are gaining muscle from the workouts. My trainer weighs us with a bodyfat scale and I am so grateful because I would have quit early on if I hadn't seen WHY I was gaining. Also, can use a tape measure to change measurements. Go based on how your pants are fitting. The scale can make you nuts if you fixate on it too much. I had a lot to lose so i thought it would just go down for a while, but it was more like a downward zig zag as my body changed composition. Best wishes!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    There are lots of "homemade" entries - did you enter those recipes yourself? If not, don't use those entries, you have no idea if your "homemade" looks like their "homemade".
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Dakinirawk wrote: »
    Please keep in mind that your weight could go up if you are gaining muscle from the workouts. My trainer weighs us with a bodyfat scale and I am so grateful because I would have quit early on if I hadn't seen WHY I was gaining. Also, can use a tape measure to change measurements. Go based on how your pants are fitting. The scale can make you nuts if you fixate on it too much. I had a lot to lose so i thought it would just go down for a while, but it was more like a downward zig zag as my body changed composition. Best wishes!
    no, scales that weigh body fat are not accurate and on a 1200 calorie allowance she is not going to gain enough muscle for it to show on the scale ,even with newbie gains it will be doubtful,especially on 2 weeks time. a woman doesnt gain muscles that quickly even on a surplus. OP- you can still retain water even if you had a hysterectomy. I wouldnt worry about it,just weigh your food and make sure the entries are accurate and go from there first.weight loss can be iffy. I was in a plateau for 50+ days,then boom I started losing again. you have to be patient.good luck

  • B01JHen
    B01JHen Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the comments - I will respond to those that asked about homemade. I found a site - Spark - that lets you enter in the recipe and then it calculates the calories for you. Some that I entered I also entered in the calories and nutritional info if I had it in my cookbook. So most of those should be very accurate, although there are a few which I did use the one listed. Now that I found that recipe calculation site I will have to recheck them. I will just keep on trying I guess. I also read that link and it was good. Accuracy will be my focus!