aisforamyaz Member


  • You can friend me, if you like! I have reached my goals and am maintaining, but don't mind helping others on their journey! Also, it really helps to have 'real life' friends or family do this with you, too. You might see if a friend or co-worker would be willing to join as well!
    in join Comment by aisforamyaz June 2015
  • I started losing weight and getting fit because I want to be there for my kids...because I am afraid my husband won't be (overweight, smokes, drinks, has no plan on changing). I feel guilty that I am planning on surviving him.
  • You likely will continue to be frustrated if you are weighing yourself constantly each weigh the least in the morning, after you have relieved yourself (gone to the bathroom). Your weight will increase slightly as the day progresses and you drink water, consume food, etc. If you must weigh yourself daily, that…
  • I have been pretty much maintaining (with a couple of slips here and there) for about four years. I walk goal is at least 10,000 per day, which for me is about six miles. I have a fairly active job that keeps me moving, but mostly it's continuing to log my food and make better food choices than I did in the…
  • Your story is very similar to mine. I lost 80 lbs in the HCG VLC diet, but couldn't maintain it and the whole yo-yo thing going on until I tried My Fitness Pal. I am now at a weight I feel comfortable at and am maintaining. Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • The mayo clinic is pretty official, I think:
  • If you are moving your body and building muscle, then YES! Muscle burns more calories than fat. I was using the eliptial daily for about thirty minutes a day on a number three difficulty (all machines are different, though. It was equivalent to a moderate pace walk on a slight incline) and I noticed a huge impact on how…
  • I would see if the restaurant has their menu posted online, then check with my fitness pal or google to see the nutritional info for the various dishes they offer so that you can make an informed decision. They might not have that particular restaurant's stats, but they surely will have something comparable to go by. Good…