Hi everyone my name is Cheri and this is my first time actually tryin to get involve with the FITNESS PAL community. I've used the app off and on for years just to tract my calories. I've lost a good amount of weight in a not so good way. I cut calories extremely low, did crash diets, cleanses, blah blah blah I basically starved myself. I went from 208lbs down to 166.6 doing that crap. My mind is right and I wanna be healthy not just thin. I came back to fitness pal because I would like to reach my goal weight of 145lbs by eating healthy and moving my booty. No more starvation for me. I figured if I found some like minded people this lifestyle change might be a little easier. If anyone would like to give or receive some support just let me know. I will be posting a pic later.


  • salaita1968
    salaita1968 Posts: 165 Member
    good luck with your journey
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    Friend me if you like
  • thenikkimix
    thenikkimix Posts: 4 Member
    hi cheri. congrats on the weightloss and transitioning to healthier habits of losing the rest. mfp is a great resource to track calories. it really keeps me within my limits. consistency is key! sending you a friend request. anyone else who'd like to add me is welcome to as well.
  • aisforamyaz
    aisforamyaz Posts: 11 Member
    Your story is very similar to mine. I lost 80 lbs in the HCG VLC diet, but couldn't maintain it and the whole yo-yo thing going on until I tried My Fitness Pal. I am now at a weight I feel comfortable at and am maintaining. Feel free to friend me if you like!