Getting more frustrated each day I need to know if anyone else goes througj this?

I recently started my weight loss journey, I've been overweight since childhood and after a having a son and set of twins I'm serious about it now my problem is the scale,I've tried hiding it only to take it out I've even thrown it away only to buy another one a few days later how can I rid myself of the scale?? I weigh myself every day multiple times a day it's so frustrating! Especially when the numbers don't go down anyone else had/have this problem?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Are you frustrated that you weight yourself multiple times a day or that you aren't making progress? Or both?
  • Jonestiarra2013
    Jonestiarra2013 Posts: 143 Member
    Are you frustrated that you weight yourself multiple times a day or that you aren't making progress? Or both?
    both, it's like I start to see progress then it stops or I will gain a pound

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Realize that you never have an exact weight - weight fluctuates naturally from day to day. And what is the point of weighing several times daily, why not just weigh your food?
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    You will rely on it less once you start seeing changes in your body.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    1. Read this thread:
    2. Readjust your expectations. Weigh no more than once a day (weekly or less often if the fluctuations bother you), and do it in a consistent setting: first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, before eating or drinking anything, with the same amount of clothing. When you weigh multiple times throughout the day, you're also getting the weight of everything you consumed, and we can easily fluctuate upwards of 5 pounds throughout the day.
    3. Use other ways of gauging your progress: measuring tape, comparison photos, how your clothes feel, fitness goals, etc.
    4. Make sure you log everything accurately and honestly to ensure you'll see a downward trend:
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Weight loss won't be linear. You'll gain some days and lose some days. What's important is the trend.

    You might try something like You can put in your weights and it will show you the trend.

    As far as weighing yourself multiple times, you might try weighing once in the morning and then put the scale up in your closet. It's a lot easier just to step on it when it is right there. Maybe seeing the trend going down will make it easier to stop fixating on the scale, too.
  • aisforamyaz
    aisforamyaz Posts: 11 Member
    You likely will continue to be frustrated if you are weighing yourself constantly each weigh the least in the morning, after you have relieved yourself (gone to the bathroom). Your weight will increase slightly as the day progresses and you drink water, consume food, etc. If you must weigh yourself daily, that would be the time to do it. Keep a log near the scale and write down your weight each time if that helps, so you can see your progress.

    Being unable to stop weighing yourself or staying away from a scale (to the point that you will throw one our only to buy another) sounds like an OCD, and you might want to look into exercises to help with it in that aspect. In the end, the scale can only give you a's can't tell you your worth as a person.
  • Jonestiarra2013
    Jonestiarra2013 Posts: 143 Member
    Its crazy because yesterday morning I was 244 and this morning I'm 245!
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    I used to have a slight obsession with the scale (weighing myself several times a day). What helped me was ditching the digital scale and getting an analogue one, which isn't quite as 'spot on' with every decimal of a pound. Also, give yourself a 'weigh in day'. So whilst I weigh myself most mornings, Friday is my 'weigh in day'. So I always compare that by how much I weighed the last Friday by that reading to see how much I had lost (or gained, in some cases!).

    Also agree with the suggestion of hiding the scale when you're not using it, or putting it in an inconvenient place. I have it in the living room, and seeing as I share a house with a couple of guys I work with it is not as if I can just waltz down to the living room butt naked whenever I want to weigh myself :p I mean, I probably could, but I doubt it would go down to well with them (or their girlfriend's) :p
  • Jonestiarra2013
    Jonestiarra2013 Posts: 143 Member
    I used to have a slight obsession with the scale (weighing myself several times a day). What helped me was ditching the digital scale and getting an analogue one, which isn't quite as 'spot on' with every decimal of a pound. Also, give yourself a 'weigh in day'. So whilst I weigh myself most mornings, Friday is my 'weigh in day'. So I always compare that by how much I weighed the last Friday by that reading to see how much I had lost (or gained, in some cases!).

    Also agree with the suggestion of hiding the scale when you're not using it, or putting it in an inconvenient place. I have it in the living room, and seeing as I share a house with a couple of guys I work with it is not as if I can just waltz down to the living room butt naked whenever I want to weigh myself :p I mean, I probably could, but I doubt it would go down to well with them (or their girlfriend's) :p

    LMAO thank you, and everyone else who helped me with this I appreciate it
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    I think using the website might be useful for you. You should still try to limit yourself to weighing in once per day, at the same time. I like to get on the scale right before hopping in the shower.
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    Make sure you take measurements as well such as hips, chest next etc and check these once a month and you will see a difference
  • Stressedby8
    Stressedby8 Posts: 53 Member
    I have done ten times better since I stopped weighing myself daily! I only weigh in once a week and it is something to look forward to for me. I eat clean and healthy all week and after my weigh in my treat is a bagel. Food still motivates me!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I weigh every 3-4 days but it keeps me accountable. Do what works for you. everyone is different.
  • Newsordova
    Newsordova Posts: 21 Member
    Its crazy because yesterday morning I was 244 and this morning I'm 245!
    My weight fluctuates by as much as 3-4 lbs / day. Spend less effort focusing on results and more effort focusing on behaviors. Enter your food as accurately as possible and consistently each and every day. Enter you exercises every time you do them. Awareness of your behaviors is the only way to change them. The scale and tape measure are only indications of how your behaviors are impacting your health.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You need to understand that weight fluctuates. It's not a constant number. Stop weighing multiple times a day, because you're never going to get an accurate reading that way. If you need to weigh daily, do it once, at the same time, everyday. Recognize your weight "range" for what it is... a range of fluctuations.
  • amyj514
    amyj514 Posts: 53 Member
    It normal to fluctuate up and down 1 or 2 pounds from day to day. I have noticed myself that it depends on different things, like what time of day it is, when and what I ate last, when I used the bathroom last, if it's that time of month (I always go up 2 lbs then), if I got in some really sweaty cardio, etc. I wouldn't freak out unless it's more than 2 lbs.
  • YoGungHo
    YoGungHo Posts: 4 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey. This is my second day. I did okay yesterday and then I weighed myself last night before going to bed and I was 2.5 lbs heavier. I felt defeated since I didn't eat any where near as much I used to. And then I weighed myself again this morning and I was actually .5 pounds less than I started the day before.
    That is crazy. That made me realize to just stop weighing myself and I will just do it every few days or so with a log in once a week. Hang in there!!
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    edited June 2015
    The best thing I found to encourage me was a pair of pants that fit just a little too tight, and my belt. After a while the pants got loser and loser, the belt started needing to be put in different holes.
    Now the pants have been sent to Goodwill, and replaced with something new, and the belt needed a new hole put in it.
    My weight has been staying in the same little 5lb range for a long time, but the clothes, and mirror, keep telling me things are progressing the way i want it to go.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Its crazy because yesterday morning I was 244 and this morning I'm 245!
    No. That's normal. Your weight fluctuates all the time. I frequently see a 3+ fluctuation from the beginning to the end of the day.