Astronamy82 Member


  • I only reactivated my account yesterday after gaining 8kg (about 18lbs) in a year that I am desperate to get off and I've started with baby steps, reduced my caffeine intake (coca cola) by a third and upping my water, cut back on snacks (chocolate biscuits are my downfall) and had a good look at the kind of foods I was…
  • Urgh don't get me started :# I know right. I've signed petitions to bring it back and forever hopeful I loved the banter between John and Dorian and the stories were great. I just don't get it.
  • Oh me too. I was peeved when Dresden Files got cancelled, I nearly kicked the TV in frustration after watching the last episode of Moonlight and how they left it wide open for a second series and then it got cancelled. I didn't like how the end of Pushing Daisies was rushed and didn't feel right. I nearly cried when I…
  • Hehe according to a quiz I did on brainfall I think it was I'm 78% nerdy. I'm definitely a science nerd (astronomy, astrophysics, quantum mechanics) I love to read and a bit of a gamer with a horror (if it gets my heart racing and I can't help but shriek then I love it) and elder scrolls addiction oh and also lego games,…
  • I love spicing up my roasted veggies but then I always have either chillies or garlic or both with almost every meal. I love spicy food in general and always using dried herbs and spices in food - I've got like 8 different types of chilli powder - but my favourite is cayenne pepper that is more of a warming spice then a…
  • I agree with kalikel all walking whether it's strolling or brisk/speed walking just getting the limbs moving is better than nothing :)
  • Here's my most recent photographed food. It looked so yummy on my plate I couldn't resist. I roasted aubergine, courgette, pepper, red onion, leek and a huge garlic clove and dumped it all on a bed of rocket. With some roasted garlic wedges on the side :) It was delicious and less than 500 calories.
  • Hey honey I'm veggie too (and by that I mean I just eat veggies, fruit, dairy and eggs) you're more than welcome to add me we can motivate each other :smile: