

  • take a whey protein if you need the extra protein, great for having immediately post workout. and also take creatine (micronised), you don't need anything else
  • @rbparken16‌ I don't put a fitness program on mfp, I just track my food intake. I've established my maintenance calorie intake (when training) from experience and I just aim to be 400 calories in excess on training days, and back to maintenance on my off day. in my opinion there's no need to track workouts
  • not necessarily^^ you won't be able to make substantial strength gains because you're in a calorie deficit, regardless of the program you do. you might be able to make some gains initially, but not a huge amount, I suggest having your weight training day on a day you're eating carbs, you'll have more energy then and be…
  • try doing a mixture steady state cardio, like going for a long jog, and circuit training. focus on having a diet high in protein, and a moderate amount of carbs (eat the majority of your carbs in the meals before and after working out) and fats. stay in a calorie intake also, but don't go too low. aim to eat every 3 hours!…