The bulk has begun

seanoliva Posts: 6
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
been training for about 2 years, recently started using mfp to track what I eat to minimise fat gain but still keep muscle gain high! looking to bulk for about 6 months and then cut. currently weight training 5 times a week, plus 3 cardio sessions


  • Thomas_1973
    Thomas_1973 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Seanoliva. I'm also bulking over the winter, and taking a break after injuring myself :-( (*kitten*). I would really like to track my fitness workouts via MFP, but I find it a little complicated since one cannot create a whole fitness program at once. How do you do it?
  • seanoliva
    seanoliva Posts: 6
    edited January 2015
    rbparken16 wrote: »
    Hey Seanoliva. I'm also bulking over the winter, and taking a break after injuring myself :-( (*kitten*). I would really like to track my fitness workouts via MFP, but I find it a little complicated since one cannot create a whole fitness program at once. How do you do it?

    @rbparken16‌ I don't put a fitness program on mfp, I just track my food intake. I've established my maintenance calorie intake (when training) from experience and I just aim to be 400 calories in excess on training days, and back to maintenance on my off day. in my opinion there's no need to track workouts