zml3 Member


  • Started 9 days ago Jan. 7. Following my small changes - more water, going to bed early, no wine and munchies at night, exercise daily, smaller portion sizes. Today I am down 5 lbs. and feel great! Logging food into myfitnesspal every day... keeps you motivated. Weekend is here and it's just another day same as the weekday…
  • Today was a good day. Met all my small goals but should do more exercise and earlier to bed. Proud of myself today. .. you go girl!!
  • Thank you I hope so but have been fighting the same 5 or 6 pounds for a long time and need to realize why do I keep doing this?? I need to be consistent and be strong and find my mojo again. But thank you for the kind words and motivation... I can AND WILL do this already!!
  • I switched over to my blog... wasn't sure where to start but wanted to "talk" about it somewhere... just someplace to read over my "journey" to weight loss and mindset if I cannot why can't I?? What am I doing wrong and what do I need to change. I listed a few that will make a big difference but need to get it up here (in…
  • Love kettlebell workouts !! Just did tabata this am and got a good sweat going on. Check it out 3 sets added thru legs at end good core one. Kettlebell Essentials on pinterest
    in kettlebells Comment by zml3 January 2016
  • I have both Jillians body's red workouts and the newest is a great workout. She is awesome and very motivating. I got week 1 in so that's what I am basing this on. I workout doing bodyweight exercises, kettlebell, walking and i was able to do this but had to do modified on most but still a great workout and will get…
  • Please join me to blog for motivation, success, and consistency. :) 1. 30 minute kettlebell tabata 2. 16 oz. Water Great way to start the day!! Keep up the good work and be consistent.
  • I know I can and I will do this just keep this mindset! I plan to use as my inspiration everyday and post my goals as they happen to keep me motivated and consistent.