vegasvada Member


  • Probably late too, but I love a chipotle bowl and you can easily fill it to fit your calories and always keep me full.
  • I started today. I had to modify. But I definitely worked up a sweat and realized my upper body is weak! But I enjoyed it and plan to stick with it.
  • Hi! I just made breakfast and I really like it. I don’t know what your goals are but I just watch my calories. So I had half an avocado and one “fried” egg. I use cooking spray to fry my egg and then I put make a sandwich using a whole wheat 45 calorie bread and then I grill the sandwich like you would a grilled cheese but…
  • I'm set as lightly active. I work 40 hr weeks as an asst manager of a convenience store. I'm on my feet the whole time and constant movement. Waiting on people, cleaning, stocking etc. I've lost close to 2lbs a week since first of the year. Hope that helps you.
  • Lol oh thank you I don't feel bad. I just did to to and did not want to log it. But I did and I see now how my old eating habits made me put on so much weight. I won't feel bad about it and now do better today.
  • 9lbs is awesome. I to have 100lbs to lose. Just keep remind yourself that it took awhile to put that weight on and it will take awhile to take it off. Also in the long run, losing weight slowly means you will more then likely keep it off long term.
  • I spend a lot of time out of town with close friends. I bring my own stuff for healthy snacks and what not. They don't say a word and even help themselves to some of my foods. No biggie
  • I've learned to listen to my body. My calorie goal is higher but I work a physical job and on my feet 40 hours a week. 3 days of cardio and strength training on top of that and still come in under most days. Just make sure you are eating healthy foods and logging them right. Then if you have a day when your suddenly really…
  • Hi, I'm new to the boards here but have used MFP before and lost 50lbs. Start tracking your food. Everything you eat and how much of it. You will probably realize that you either eat healthy but to much of it or you don't eat as healthy as you think. It can be a real eye opener.