alicia5569 Member


  • I try to plan ahead when possible. Whether it's by checking the website for the restaurant's nutritionial information and/or menu and deciding at home. Then the real hard thing is sticking to plan once you're there. But when you do, boy it feels good. You've enjoyed your time eating out and didn't feel guilty and also…
  • That's a good idea Belle. One could get the kids pack which usually comes with smaller portion of popcorn than the actual small, a snack sized candy and drink which could be diet soda. Then you get your fix but kid sized portion.
  • See...While I may not have as much to lose (I'm around 148), i have difficulty also doing the elliptical. I feel like I'm hyperventilating after 3-4 minutes and my heart rate is through the roof. AND it's on the lowest intensity. I think we just need to work on starting for an "x" number of minutes and each time or every…
  • I'm trying to add you. I don't have any friends on my fitbit app yet. My app is freezing up though. If you get this my email is
  • I have the same problem sadly :'(