Looking for fitbit partners to stay motivated

santezo Posts: 4
edited March 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi all,

Just found this forum. :-)

I've been suffering with sciatica since December and walking has helped me. I just joined a gym a week ago and have been doing 45 mins of treadmill every day thanks to a co-worker who's been inviting me to challenges through the fitbit app. It would be great to have more people to virtually workout with and keep each other motivated!!

If you'd like to add me, my fitbit contact is Santezo@gmail.com



  • alicia5569
    alicia5569 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying to add you. I don't have any friends on my fitbit app yet. My app is freezing up though. If you get this my email is aliciaparkinson5@gmail.com