Elliptical machine is too hard?

Alright - so here is my situation. I've lost 50+ pounds since January of 2015 strictly with diet alone. I have another 150 or so pounds to lose, so yes, quite a bit. I decided I needed to add some exercise to the equation now that I am lighter, movement hasn't been as difficult for me. I'm 29 (almost 30) and back when I was in my early to mid-twenties, I used to spend a lot of time on the elliptical machine and I loved it. I could go for up to an hour and get a solid workout in. My mom decided to buy me my own elliptical machine, which was very nice of her. It's a Landice E7, very high quality machine. We tested it at the store, seemed great. It came yesterday and I put on some tunes and got on it, ready for a workout. I made it about 3 minutes before I felt like I was legitimately going to die. Or fall over. I pushed myself to 10 minutes before I absolutely had to stop, my legs were on fire and I was almost in tears. I tried again this morning, same situation. The resistance is on the lowest setting and there is no incline. This machine is also not able to be returned, so this is it. I own this thing now and I need to be able to use it.

I feel so discouraged and upset. I want to be able to exercise in the comfort of my home on this machine that is paid for and here, but every time I get on it, I am struggling by minute 3. Is there anything I can do? Am I still just too heavy? I probably am at least 75 pounds heavier than when I was using the elliptical machine in my mid-twenties. Is it just a matter of working that group of muscles back up to being able to use it? Should I just keep doing 10 minutes at a time until it gets easier? I'm at kind of a loss here, so many advice would be helpful. Thank you!!


  • Thenewkj
    Thenewkj Posts: 1
    I remember the first time I used one years ago. I couldn't do 4 minutes. I kept trying and before I knew it I was doing 30+ minutes. I usually get bored before I get worn out. Seems many people start with the same dilemma. I've seen it with my dad and my girlfriend who now love the machine.
    I say just do a little every day even if it's 3 minutes. Push yourself a bit more every day. It will get easier!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I agree that a gradual approach would be best. Don't give up! You can do it!
  • 1nelle
    1nelle Posts: 39 Member
    Hey you are doing fantastic! Dont worry just do small steps at a time i was the same way i could only do 5 min though i was going to die then slowly your body will get use to it. I am up to 35 min but i have been doing it for 2 months now so slow and steady! Dont give up if you want to be friends i can talk to ya and give you pointers and cheer you along!
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Baby steps! You just started back. Don't be so hard on yourself. Do what you can do today, then get up tomorrow and do what you can do tomorrow. You will progress! You can do it.
  • Thank you, both of you. You're so right. I think I just expected to get on that machine and have it be as easy for me as it was 5 years ago. But I'm heavier now and I am also much more out of shape. It's more disappointment than anything else, when you let yourself go. It's going to take time to get back to where I was. Life, right? :)
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    The first time I got on an eliptical was the same way, after watching these people zoom along for 30+ minutes. :grin: Keep at it, it sounds like right now it's giving you a heck of a workout!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    When you say it worked in the store, does that mean the resistance was lower there? It makes sense for exercise to be harder at first and need time to work up to it, but this almost sounds like you got a defective product. It can't be returned for any reason, even if it doesn't work properly?
  • aleyjewell
    aleyjewell Posts: 65 Member
    Reminds me of the first time I stepped on an elliptical!! Not only was I exhausted but felt completely uncoordinated!! I lasted all of 3 minutes. Fast forward 4 months later and I can go for an hour. It gets easier. Keep at it and it will all pay off!!!!
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Do you're own thing. base your progress on you're past performances. as long as you keep on improving. Even if it by microscopic measurements, it is still an improvement, and no matter what keep going forward.
  • rluna27
    rluna27 Posts: 11 Member
    I had a similar experience with my first elliptical. I could only do 5 minutes at a time and I felt like a real loser but I worked hard and eventually got up to 45 minutes a day at a full run on the thing and lost 70 lbs! Keep at it every step brings you closer to better fitness and 5 minutes is better than 0 minutes. Good luck!
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    It sounds like you haven't been working out, so your body isn't used to it. You need to give it time. I know I used to be able to run 3-5 miles no problem. When I first started getting back into it after gaining a lot of weight and not working out, I couldn't even run for 5 minutes without getting winded, and had to stop after about 7 or 8 minutes.

    Don't get discouraged, just give it some time to get used to it.
  • You guys are all AWESOME! I am so grateful for the kind words and encouragement. I tried it again and was able to do a full 20 minutes! It felt easier than the last 2 times too, so I guess it really does get easier. I also took it easy this time and did a few fast-paced minutes here and there. I worked up a sweat and I feel like a million bucks now!!
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    It totally gets easier! When I started working out I could only do about 10 minutes at a time, so I did 10 minutes two - three times a day. The more i did it, the more I could do, and now I'm up to 50 minutes regularly, although I did an hour yesterday. Just be patient. You are awesome for getting out there and doing it!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    mskarilynn wrote: »
    I feel so discouraged and upset. I want to be able to exercise in the comfort of my home on this machine that is paid for and here, but every time I get on it, I am struggling by minute 3. Is there anything I can do?

    Build up slow. 3 minutes at a time this week, 4 minutes next week, 5 the week after. Before you know it, you'll be walking an hour at a time.

    You are doing AWESOME - everybody out of shape comes back slowly - EVERYBODY! You already did the hardest part, which was getting on that damn machine in the first place! :smile:


  • tattooedmomma93b
    tattooedmomma93b Posts: 101 Member
    Elliptical takes time to get used to and it is hard and awkward when you first start. But you can do it! Don't get discouraged, do what you can, eventually you'll see you can do 15, then eventually 20 and from there you'll go more....I'm still struggling with mine, 35-40 mins is all I can do. But a few years ago I used to be able to go for and hour and a half. It's baby steps and you can do it hun!!
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I've never used an elliptical, but when I started rowing two months ago, I did 5km in 34min. I was in pretty good cardiovascular shape, normal weight, but it kicked my butt anyway. Now I can cover the same distance in 23 minutes. Ideally, I'd like sub 20, but not there yet...at all.

    Just give it time and practice. Push yourself to go further each session (without risking injury, of course!). Eventually you'll build up your stamina and you can be proud for getting through it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Doing a new activity requires some initial adaptation. I have had quite a few clients who struggled on the elliptical at first. Rather than pushing a continuous workout each time until you can't do anymore and feel discouraged, start off with smaller exercise intervals with some rest in between--maybe something like 3 min work, 1 min rest. And then once a week or two, test yourself with a longer continuous workout. If the problem truly is a lack of conditioning, or getting used to a new machine, you should see steady improvement.

    It's also worth a call to Landice just to double check that there isn't something wrong with the machine. The e7 is a pretty rugged creature and I think Landice is pretty good company, so I'm sure they would be glad to help. It's unlikely that it's a machine problem, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure, esp since it's a new machine.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    mskarilynn wrote: »
    You guys are all AWESOME! I am so grateful for the kind words and encouragement. I tried it again and was able to do a full 20 minutes! It felt easier than the last 2 times too, so I guess it really does get easier. I also took it easy this time and did a few fast-paced minutes here and there. I worked up a sweat and I feel like a million bucks now!!

    See! You are a bad *kitten*! I started at three minutes, hurt so bad I got nauseous. Now I can do 30. Just keep on keepin on!
  • alicia5569
    alicia5569 Posts: 6 Member
    See...While I may not have as much to lose (I'm around 148), i have difficulty also doing the elliptical. I feel like I'm hyperventilating after 3-4 minutes and my heart rate is through the roof. AND it's on the lowest intensity. I think we just need to work on starting for an "x" number of minutes and each time or every other time, increase it an extra minute or two. Eventually our bodies will adjust to this new exercise. That's what I did years ago. It worked for me.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    Have you at least been walking for exercise before jumping off the couch and getting on the elliptical. I ask because I had trouble learning to breath right when I got mine. I have a Sole 35 and it is powerful and big machine to say the least and nothing to laugh at.

    I was walking and riding a recumbent bike and jogging some before I got mine so I was in some sort of shape but again learning to breathe was very important to help keeping me from passing out or my legs from falling out from underneath me.

    This takes a lot of time no matter how heavy or light you are. IF you are getting soreness or anything in your joints or muscles this surprises me other than you have no "fitness" hours leading up to getting on the machine. I have chronic back pain and this doe not hurt my back, legs or knees.

    You have the machine and it is ready for you anytime you can get on it, even if it is 3 minutes at a time. Increase it by 30 seconds or 1 minute every other time you get on the machine. You will be up to 30 minutes before you know it...

    Also, do not use the arm bars yet... this makes you expend more energy that you may not to can do right now and make you slow down or even more fatigued..