Woohoo! So inspirational!!
That IS amazing! I feel like the acceptance you're describing is what I read in all the "success" profiles. I'm so happy for you! You're already a success!! :)
That's exactly what just happened to me 6 weeks ago!
Wow! My first experience with hs was this Christmas. I feel so relieved to see this forum, it was really scary to hear this is chronic and no cure. My doctor has had me on antibiotics for 6 weeks now. I'm done. I researched and found cleansing flare up areas with hibicleanse, taking turmeric pills, and following an anti…
@kendalslimmer yes eating more and losing weight would be nice! Ha! Congratulations on your weight loss success this far!
@red13 thanks! Didn't know that about dairy!
@TMski1000 thanks for the fitpacker suggestion! Sounds like you have a solid plan of attack along with good pressure (passing military tests) to keep on track! Way to go!
If you search strength training you'll see some incredible results. Most of them say they wish they would have started strength training from day 1. I mean you do have to lose weight all over but the muscle building will tone you up. Seriously, check out the 5'5" with pics thread, a lot of weight lifting ladies with before…
Love the positive attitude! Thanks for your encouragement! Noticed you said you're going dairy free, is that also supposed to help level out PCOS?
Wonderful, @amypixton2010! I guess if majority of you with success are saying the same general tips, I should probably do it! :p I've never done it all at once, I'm sure that will help. More than weight, I just don't like all the weird "gifts" PCOS gives me, really makes me feel out of whack! I'm rambling, I've got the…
Wow! Congratulations! I know it can be very difficult to have children when you have PCOS.
@pinklilly26 I agree, good to know there are a bunch of us out there who have had success despite PCOS, maybe we'll be success stories soon too! @nanefy thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out. I know I really like lifting (trying to get back into it now) and want to have energy for it. I get excited by all the…
Yikes! I'm sorry to hear you're battling an eating disorder. It's awesome you're using tools to reset. I hope you share your progress along the way. :)
Great tips @tbom2016! Wow, @nanefy, that's awesome! Keto is no carb right? Even carb veggies? I found that hard to sustain especially when exercising. How do you tackle that?
Way to go nanfey and vickisayswtf!!!!
I have PCOS too. I've heard strength training, smart carbs, mini meals, and less sugar really helps. All have helped me but I've just never done all at once. :D Agzram- congratulations on your weight loss!!!
Awesome job! You look so happy!!!
Whoa! Incredible work!!
Awesome, way to go!!!
Awesome work!!
I've been over by a couple hundred calories for majority of the week. I guess that's not that bad knowing what damage I can really do! I'm doing that 3 day challenge that starts tomorrow, maybe you'd like it. It's tracking meals, staying in range, 30 minutes of exercise. At least you're having a great time with friends and…
Wow! That's awesome!
That's awesome!! Great job!!
Way to go!! You look great and I like your simple plan. It gets rid of all the "noise" I use to sabotage myself :D
Wonderful!!! Congratulations!!
i get sunday insomnia, anxious about my work week