

  • I have been lifting for around a month and a half :). Thank you for your response. I am using the MFP calculator but do find it difficult to count the calories. Would one of the reasons for my shape being that I don;t take a protein powdeR? Thanks
  • I have just started counting calories but don't bother with salad/veg and coffee! :wink:
  • I cut out sugar, try honey or agave syrup. It is really sweet but helps to get off sugar and better for health than artificial sweeteners. I don't have sweetener in coffee any more but usually drink about 3 cups a day - I love it! With coconut or almond milk :) There are some issues with agave but IMO its far better than…
  • Definetley check out 'Ido Portal' and his 7 minute hang challenge. I could not do a pull up before this but now I can :) Good luck!