Thomasanp Member


  • I'm 31 years old and am 32 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 (pregnancy #4 as I miscarried last december). I am having a harder time with being active this time around. I ran all the way through my first 2 pregnancies and this time I just dont have it in me. (Because of Age? Added children? Work?) I could use some fitness…
  • I wish we could choose more than one emoticon response to posts. I love your post. And it is insightful
  • Be patient with yourself and allow slipups, while continuing to move forward. Creating new habits takes time. You got this! I cant wait to see your posts of success too!
  • Thank you for your encouraging words.
  • Me too! I've been into fitness for years. And I understand the real life trials of being a mother, a college student and a teacher while trying to maintain fitness goals. I want to encourage others with my experiences in balancing real life experiences and health/fitness. And would love to learn tips and tricks from the…
  • You can do it! Take your time physically. Find healthy foods you enjoy and chug that water. Set realistic goals: even a small success is still progress! We want the ending results and often set ourselves up for failure in the process because we stop considering small changes and accomplishments as victories. I have 2…