When life makes weightloss hard

So many trials and health problems sabotaged my weightloss goals over the last year. I gained more weight than I like to admit because of them. However, these events have changed how I pursue my fitness goals. (In a good way) While going through these real life events, I struggled with low self esteem and feelings of failure. I wanted to lose weight. But I wasn't ready to give up certain food habits as they were comforting in light of these difficult events. I learned to have mercy towards myself and allow myself grace to deal with my trials. I let go of my body shaming and allowed myself to heal mentally from the events I was going through. My mental health became more important than my physical. I was not disregarding my physical health in the process. I remained aware and maintained my goals, but I allowed myself time to be "ready" to pursue weightloss. Weightloss in and of itself is stressfull. And stress compounds. I knew that if I attempted weightloss while under my trials I would set my self up for failure. The more failures I experienced the more likely I was to just throw in the towel. When I became ready, I WANTED to do it, I wanted the healthy food, I wanted the physical activity, I wanted every part of it. Wanting it changed everything. Learning to give myself mercy changed everything. If there is an area of weightloss that seems "burdensome" to you than that is likely the area that will sabotage your success. That is why small changes work best for most people. Find healthy food you enjoy. If you just cant give up sweets, stop kicking yourself (that just makes things worse) and budget a moderate serving into your day (you will be less likely to binge). Find habit and activities you enjoy. Don't worry about keeping up with your fitness crazed buddy. A healthy lifestyle is our goal, and it only works if you can keep living it. You need to want it, and it needs to be laced with mercy. Here's to your success!


  • ladylilly7
    ladylilly7 Posts: 14 Member
    you got this, btw from your picture you look beautiful;
  • Thomasanp
    Thomasanp Posts: 15 Member
    ladylilly7 wrote: »
    you got this, btw from your picture you look beautiful;

    Thank you for your encouraging words.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,003 Member
    It's very true. Last year I had injury+stress+some (sort of legitimate sort of self-inflicted) stress+some very real fears=losing/keeping off weight wasn't a priority. I knew I could control it by strictly controlling my diet, but that was just another stress that I didn't have the energy or desire to deal with. I knew I'd have to lose it once things improved, and that's where I'm at now.

    I honestly don't regret my choices. Food, not stressing about food and grocery shopping, eating out with friends - those were enjoyable things that made my life a bit easier.

    Now that I have the capacity to deal with it, I'm loving working out again, and slowly but surely my body is returning to it's "old" self.

    Sometimes it just isn't going to be enough of a priority to deal with - and sometimes, that is okay too. Coming back to it is the main thing, and making the "set backs" the temporary situation (instead of the other way around).
  • Thomasanp
    Thomasanp Posts: 15 Member
    It's very true. Last year I had injury+stress+some (sort of legitimate sort of self-inflicted) stress+some very real fears=losing/keeping off weight wasn't a priority. I knew I could control it by strictly controlling my diet, but that was just another stress that I didn't have the energy or desire to deal with. I knew I'd have to lose it once things improved, and that's where I'm at now.

    I honestly don't regret my choices. Food, not stressing about food and grocery shopping, eating out with friends - those were enjoyable things that made my life a bit easier.

    Now that I have the capacity to deal with it, I'm loving working out again, and slowly but surely my body is returning to it's "old" self.

    Sometimes it just isn't going to be enough of a priority to deal with - and sometimes, that is okay too. Coming back to it is the main thing, and making the "set backs" the temporary situation (instead of the other way around).

    I wish we could choose more than one emoticon response to posts. I love your post. And it is insightful
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I love your attitudes!
  • theowlbox
    theowlbox Posts: 912 Member
    I would not have lost any weight if I hadn't focused on therapy first. Now it's not a huge deal. Its just a succession of habits. I'm in the midst of my efforts, but it's nuts how NOT dramatic it feels. And how forgiving I feel to myself and others. I wish i could just give everyone on here a pep talk!

    Thanks for your super nice post. Glad you're doing well.