dontsweat Member


  • This "calories in vs calories out" is getting so over played and over quoted by people who are absolutely clueless. If you want to lose WEIGHT, by all means sacrifice calories to create a massive deficit while I laugh at you for losing all of your lean muscle and no fat. If you want to lose FAT, you need to eat and feed…
  • That sounds like an absolutely terrible diet that is bound to fail. I think you should get a second opinion. Ask just about anyone why their diet failed and they'll too it was too restrictive and they gave up too much too quickly. No carbs? Does this "MD" not know that carbs are the bodies little taxi drivers that shuttle…
  • There's so many bad reviews out there about the Charge HR and it's inability to accurately monitor the heart rate during exercise. Same with the Surge. It's all going to be hit or miss unless you manage to find your sweet spot, get the proper tightness and don't sweat or move the band. I've heard loose band, tight band, up…
  • I'm down to a 9 minute mile now from a 12 minute, mostly walking, mile thanks to this app. By the time I'm done I'm hoping to be down to where I used to be at 7 minutes. Only on week 3 so lots of time to go. We just got hammered really hard with snow so need to wait a day or two for the roads to clear up before…
  • I'm from the Racine area. Challenge threads are always fun. We could start a Wisconsin weight loss thread, daily exercise thread, running thread, etc etc. Wisconsin folks have the stigma of being lazy and drunk..we could help change that.
  • Hasn't been that cold yet. Just get wind proof pants, wind proof jacket, a good pair of running shoes, a balaclava and some good gloves to keep you warm. Cold weather shouldn't keep people from working out!
  • Every forum I've ever been on that had a Wisconsin group the group is always dead. It seems like Wisconsin folks just don't like forums. It would be nice to be able to connect with others close by so we can all embrace the misery of the Wisconsin winter together. :smiley:
  • I just started it and I'm liking it so far. 20 degree runs in rural Wisconsin with no building or trees to block the wind. It's never too cold to run if you layer properly.
  • I wouldn't waste money on the HR or the surge. The technology just isn't there yet for accurate heart rates via the wrist. If you're dead set on a HRM then get a Bluetooth chest strap and sync it to one of the many apps available in order to get an accurate reading.
  • I'm in - add me. Goal is 190lbs, currently 239 :neutral_face: