Vikkim2015 Member


  • I did all but the clean 1 cupboard so not bad. Getting enough sleep is my main goal at the moment. So i will add my goal for tonight is to again be in bed before midnight. BTW I have lost another 1.1kg (2.4lbs) so I'm a happy chappy.
  • There is a film called "That Sugar Film" and the guy changed his diet from high fat mid protein low veggie based carbs to a high carb low fat/protein diet for a 30 day period without changing the actual calorie amount he consumed. He limited his new diet to normally considered healthy foods like low fat yogurts, muesli,…
  • My post might sound strange as I am in Australia so my numbers are in Kilos but i will add the lbs as well. Plus i am not struggling with diet or logging at all. Procrastinating other things...very much. I have lost 23.6kg (52lb) since early November last year, with 37.4kg (82lb) still to go and have now been logging all…
  • I tried a lot of things and it wasn't until i gave up grains. No bread, pasta and rice. I get virtually all my carbs from veggies, though i rarely eat potato. As soon as i did this the weight started to fall. 2 Mths later when i actively started to lose weight by formally logging food and walking everyday it fell of even…
  • Thank You! I have only done a couple over 4km yet and don't want to push it too soon as the last one on Friday had me not too well over the weekend. I had been a bit off Thursday and thought I could sweat it out but no. Today the walk was 3.6km in 40mins (5.3km per hr) which is better than we ( my daughter walks with me)…
  • Hi! I am also in QLD, want to lose 55kg. That is my main goal and will see when i get there if it's enough. I have been over 100kg for some years and overweight for 30yrs so it's is not going to be easy. Late last year i felt if my health was to improve i had to make some changes. I started looking at what i ate (not a lot…
  • Hi all, Vikki from Australia (so no freezing here, it's been so bloody hot this summer I am really looking forward to winter). I started using MFP 12th Jan this year and had just started looking at my health/diet a week or so before that. I am 51, have a few health issues, Lupus in which I have pain and stiffness in hips…
  • Hi All, I am 51 and have around 50kg (110lbs) to lose. I have be logging food and exercise for about 2 wks. My health has been going downhill for sometime now (a few yrs) with Lupus causing joint issues in hips and knees. I had to change jobs as i could not stand up for long anymore. Last year i developed diabetes with…