Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Just for today 4/21
    1. Stick to what I have logged for food :);)
    2. Protein drink :'(:'(
    3. NO NO late night snack :);)

    Just for today 4/22
    1. AGAIN no no late night snacking :)
    2. Buy HEALTHY snacks :)
    3. Try a NEW exercise! :(:(
    4. Don't let the scale influence your mood! :):)

    @Rudy enjoy the field trip, :)

    Just for today: 4/23
    1. Get a early run in :smile:
    2. Try again a new exercise :)
    3. Protein drink :)

    Just for today 4/26
    1. Protein drink
    2. Make time for myself today
    3. Stick to what I log / No late night snacking
  • aflepage
    aflepage Posts: 7 Member
    Just for today 4/24

    1. Log all my food
    2. Hit my 10K step goal
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member

    So I am going to learn from you guys. I know to be successful, I need to continue to log my food. No matter HOW busy I am, this is important. :)

    I am going to learn from you guys to plan my meals. I know this is another important step. No mindless grabbing of food. I tend to get so busy, so meals are unplanned, and that leads to trouble. Snacks have been unplanned, so when hubby wants dairy queen, I give in. SO plan my meals. :)

    I did SO much better yesterday. Thank you to all of you for such encouraging posts! Like @bri170lb said, getting on here is so encouraging. It is hard to admit when I fail, which for me is many times, but as long as we keep getting back up! Even though I had pizza last nite, not my planned baked cod, I stuck to 2 pieces, and did a ton of exercise.

    And I LOVE the idea of sharing snacks, recipes, etc. Hubby is always wanting a snack in the evening, and it is usually ice cream or popcorn (the oil-cooked popcorn!). So I would love having ideas, and I'm sure others would as well!

    SO Just for today - going to repeat yesterday!

    1. Plan my meals. Tonite is the fish fry, so I will try and eat lighter during the day, and stick to 2 small pieces of fish.

    2. Log all my food!!!!!
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    FOR today get to the gym, forget about yesterday, start again today and try and not ruin the weekend with a lot of extra calories.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :)
    2. lift heavy :)
    3. stay under 100 G carbs :)

    Thank you for the supportive comments everyone! I've set a new goal for myself--to get to 200 pounds (100 pounds total loss) by my 40th birthday, which is June 5th, 7 weeks away. I lose VERY slowly due to health issues, so it is very likely that I will miss that goal, but I am going to use it to keep focused.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. finish Spring cleaning, laundry and all shopping errands
    3. dance!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    No mindless grabbing of food. I tend to get so busy, so meals are unplanned, and that leads to trouble. Snacks have been unplanned, so when hubby wants dairy queen, I give in. SO plan my meals. :)

    I think that is a problem for everybody!

    The only time that I really run into problems is when I go way too long without eating and end up in a rush. Create backup plans for yourself so that you don't need to fall off the program.

    About Dairy Queen:
    1. "Treats" are not treating yourself well. You do not deserve to put bad stuff in your body.
    2. There is no reason why your husband can't get Dairy Queen while you have something else. He will adapt.
    3. I've kind of arrived at a point where I have put SO much effort into taking care of myself that ruining it with junk is not something I have much desire to do. Particularly, I think about how much exercise I am doing...and then I ask myself if I want to ruin all that effort.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    “Our greatest battles are that with our own minds.” ~Jameson Frank
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just for Today 4/23
    1. log, log, log :(
    2. get in 10K steps :)
    3. make healthy choices :)


    @azulvioleta6 - love your new profile pic! Really shows the 91lbs!

    Just for Today 4/24
    1. do not fret the gain this week, do not slip into a "who cares" attitude
    2. log
    3. be grateful for what I have in my life - had a difficult morning with the teens, so this is very important today.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    3. be grateful for what I have in my life - had a difficult morning with the teens, so this is very important today.

    I hear you on this one!
    A bad morning with one of my teenagers can point me down the wrong road all day. I have 2 teenagers and 3 grown kids. Seeing the older ones happy and healthy is the only thing that keeps me from selling the younger ones some days. :smiley::wink:
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Snacks have been unplanned, so when hubby wants dairy queen, I give in. SO plan my meals. :)

    I have actually warned my husband that some times I am going to have to just say NO. Sometimes when I feel in control of myself I'm just fine stopping for a treat with the family and having nothing or just a bite or two. But sometimes I just flat out say NO!

    Once we were at Red Robin (they have an Encinada chicken platter that works great for lunch or dinner) And my husband ordered a TOWER OF DOUGHNUTS!!!!! I nearly jumped out of my seat and I said the is no way I am going to sit here and watch everyone else eat doughnuts. My whole family thought it was hilarious and they still caution each other to not mention doughnuts when I am in the room. Mom can get pretty dangerous sometimes! Hide the knives!

    At home I have Carb Smart fudge bars in the freezer. 100 calories. 9 total carbs.They taste really good but not so good that I binge!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Seeing the older ones happy and healthy is the only thing that keeps me from selling the younger ones some days. :smiley::wink:

    LOL - thanks for the laugh
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    3. be grateful for what I have in my life - had a difficult morning with the teens, so this is very important today.

    I hear you on this one!
    A bad morning with one of my teenagers can point me down the wrong road all day. I have 2 teenagers and 3 grown kids. Seeing the older ones happy and healthy is the only thing that keeps me from selling the younger ones some days. :smiley::wink:

    Too funny!!!! Been there done that!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    Just for Today 4/23
    1. log, log, log :(
    2. get in 10K steps :)
    3. make healthy choices :)

    @azulvioleta6 - love your new profile pic! Really shows the 91lbs!

    Just for Today 4/24
    1. do not fret the gain this week, do not slip into a "who cares" attitude
    2. log
    3. be grateful for what I have in my life - had a difficult morning with the teens, so this is very important today.[/quote]

    Rae, ***hugs***! I miss having my kids around more BUT teenage years NOT so much!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    No mindless grabbing of food. I tend to get so busy, so meals are unplanned, and that leads to trouble. Snacks have been unplanned, so when hubby wants dairy queen, I give in. SO plan my meals. :)

    I think that is a problem for everybody!

    The only time that I really run into problems is when I go way too long without eating and end up in a rush. Create backup plans for yourself so that you don't need to fall off the program.

    About Dairy Queen:
    1. "Treats" are not treating yourself well. You do not deserve to put bad stuff in your body.
    2. There is no reason why your husband can't get Dairy Queen while you have something else. He will adapt.
    3. I've kind of arrived at a point where I have put SO much effort into taking care of myself that ruining it with junk is not something I have much desire to do. Particularly, I think about how much exercise I am doing...and then I ask myself if I want to ruin all that effort.

    Wow, your done amazing on your journey on MFP!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Just for today 4/21
    1. Stick to what I have logged for food :);)
    2. Protein drink :'(:'(
    3. NO NO late night snack :);)

    Just for today 4/22
    1. AGAIN no no late night snacking :)
    2. Buy HEALTHY snacks :)
    3. Try a NEW exercise! :(:(
    4. Don't let the scale influence your mood! :):)

    @Rudy enjoy the field trip, :)

    Just for today: 4/23
    1. Get a early run in :smile:
    2. Try again a new exercise :)
    3. Protein drink :)

    Just for today 4/24
    1. Protein drink :)
    2. Make time for myself today :)
    3. Stick to what I log / No late night snacking :)

    Just for today 4/25
    1. Make smart choices for lunch (going out to lunch with hubby)
    2. Get a EARLY run in!
    3. Protein drink
  • Vikkim2015
    Vikkim2015 Posts: 10 Member

    Vikkim2015 wrote: »

    It is mid afternoon here and I'm still at work so my list for today is:
    45mins swimming (straight after work)
    Have Dinner
    Complete food and exercise log
    Complete 1 of the clearing jobs (7 cupboards to clean/sort out)
    Be in bed before Midnight (this is my nemesis...)
    Plan to wake before 8am tomorrow

    Let's see how i go!

    I did all but the clean 1 cupboard so not bad. Getting enough sleep is my main goal at the moment.

    So i will add my goal for tonight is to again be in bed before midnight.

    BTW I have lost another 1.1kg (2.4lbs) so I'm a happy chappy.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    JFT 4/24:
    1. Stick to calorie goals-- :# Total miss. Just going to call yesterday a total cheat day and start over today.
    2. 3+ pints water/tea-- :o A little short
    3. Exercise 30+ minutes--extra if I can.-- :o Total miss on "official" exercise, but I did move alot, and up/down stairs, so not a total wash on activity
    4. Continue with bedroom...start on spider webs/dust from under the junk!-- :):):) Totally got everything moved out, vaccuumed, plus!

    JFT 4/25:
    1. Stick to calorie goals
    2. 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30+ minutes
    4. Figure out some other accomplishable project, and do it! (I'll probably have to update later when I figure it out!)

    @bri170lb: I agree--it would be nice if they could be more supportive! Good for you when you're feeling strong to avoid the traps, and good plan to have your own "allowable" treat!!! P.S. I have teens too--3 at present. It definately is a different phase of life. :):)

    Have a good Saturday everyone!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thank you for the supportive comments everyone! I've set a new goal for myself--to get to 200 pounds (100 pounds total loss) by my 40th birthday, which is June 5th, 7 weeks away. I lose VERY slowly due to health issues, so it is very likely that I will miss that goal, but I am going to use it to keep focused.

    1. 12,000 steps :smiley: 15,543
    2. finish Spring cleaning, laundry and all shopping errands :) mostly done! still have a few small things to do
    3. dance! :smiley:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Get reward haircut!
    3. Enjoy outdoor walking in the city and DANCE!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. Plan my meals. Tonite is the fish fry, so I will try and eat lighter during the day, and stick to 2 small pieces of fish. :) Skipped the fish fry - had homemake turkey manicotti instead!

    2. Log all my food!!!!! :/ Didn't get this done, but ate OK.

    Just for today, saturday 4/25
    1. remember water
    2. log everything I eat
    3. Exercise - which I already did. 5 miles hiked, then washed all the siding on our house and all the windows! so my arms hurt from holding the hose for so long! :)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Very late in the day...
    Met all my goals yesterday :smiley:

    Just for today
    1 1 hour Walk
    2 1200 calories
    3. Cleaning house & laundry